Saturday 28 May 2011

My summer's breakfast.

Today, my Summer time breakfast would be... *drum roll please*

Oatmeal with warm milk. And some golden syrup with cherries. Cherry-o-licious!

It's cherry season in Hong Kong, btw. Bought them HK$48 for a bunch of them like in a medium size plastic bag. Which back in KL you've got to pay RM48 for half of them bunch. Heee.. Sadly, blueberry seasons is out and I think I missed raspberry season. Oh well. Strawberries are still around. :)

But, make sure to buy them at the morning markets. Its way cheaper there. And fresh too. We both occasionally go to the market, as we don't like to encounter the piggies on the hooks. If you know what I mean. It's quite terrifying for us to see one just hanging around, doing their thang. Heheheheh.. So, occasionally. Thank god there's a market near our place. But, not to worry, you can simply find any market along the way in HK. They are like mushrooms. Evey corner or alley or lorong, there's always a stall selling fruits/meat/veges and so on.

We buy or halal meat or chicken at Wan Chai. I forgot the name of the market, but the butcher shop is called Pak Mahmod Halal Meat (I think) located way, way, away from the piggy alley. hehehehe. Like, its not facing each other. So we have no doubt of its cleanliness or pig-splattered-free. Though we have to pass through the piggies hanging around, but it just for a few seconds. I will get more detail on the butcher's location. Oh, he sells fresh chicken too. But mind you, HK's breed chicken ain't big as Malaysia's.


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