Monday 16 May 2011

Small, but tasty.


Suami brought us (my parents & me) for dinner (last dinner before parents fly back home to Malaysia) at Maharani Restaurant. Yes, another Indian cuisine. But, it's Halal.

When Suami told me about this place, thinking it will be a fancy restaurant, as it's located at the heart of Central's Lan Kwai Fong. I think it's few shops away from Eberneezer, adjacent to this restaurant/pub place Suami & I like to hang out for some live kicking music band, called Insomnia. And plus, I don't want to give a bad impression of the place we are going since we are bringing our parents. I don't think my mom and papa likes to pass through or even go anywhere near to streets where the music is blasting so loudly, people drinking, neon lights and well, basically, you guys can imagine how. Party! Wohooo!

But because we are Muslim, we got to do what we've got to do. Not only, did my Suami brought us to a different entrance - dodgy staircase, dim lights, cracking door sound and scary atmosphere, (mom can't stop saying, "Quickly, before we see any cockroaches come out..") we managed to find the restaurant. Its above a pub, by the way.

Next when we entered, Golly Miss Molly!
Isteri : "Honey, are you sure you brought us to the right place?"
Suami: "Yes lah. Why..?"
Isteri : "Why? You serious..? Why you ask me?"
Suami : "I've eaten here before lah. It's sedap."
Isteri gave a look.

The place was so small, again dodgy, dimmed, and well, just small! It's like you can only fit in less than 30, but mind ya, crammed ok. I think mom had a bad feeling 'bout the place. And papa was I guess, trying to accept whatever it is. As long as it's Halal. But, thank God, the best turning point, no - DISTRACTION, was when mom said "Assalamualaikum.." to this Muslim family sitting next to our table. How we know they are Muslim, the Hijab of course! :) So mom & papa didn't gave much thought to the restaurants interior or space, and even the menu. Because they were into their conversation to the family next to us, who were Malaysia too. Thank God!

So Suami & I ordered and we we're the last customer. We were kinda late. It was around 8 plus close to 9pm. Shop closes at 9:30pm I think. And had some ladyfingers, chicken & cauliflower. Papa kept saying, "Masala..? Takde masalah lah.." lol. And rice, of course. Had the usual drinks - Mango Lassi, that was made just right behind us on a shelf where the drinking cups and glasses was. Sangat space saving.

I may be complaining about the place and where they made their drinks, and EVEN HAVE A BAR that sells alcohols, but food was good. Halal and good. The chicken was soft and tender, cauliflower tasted like vegetable, duh, and the ladyfingers was cooked with some Indian spices deliciously. It all tasted the same, but, we were hungry. Plus, the rice sedap. So bedal lah. But mango lassi was bad, maybe cause it was done right behind us. Mom didn't like it. Tasted like orange mixed mango.

And oh - the kitchen is like next to us, just next to us like 1ft from us. And there were 2-3 guys in there cooking, which I think, the head chef/owner must be the oldest uncle in there. And the kitchen is so small it looked like they were in a store room. Adoi. But then again, when one wants to survive, anything w do. And as long as they are serving Halal food - minus the alcohol, please, we Muslim will support it.

Don't be surprise ok, that most of the Lebanese, Middle Eastern & Indian restaurants serve alcohol. So, they're not 100% Halal in terms of business, but they serve Halal food - FOOD. They have their Halal certifications from Islamic Union of Hong Kong.

Well, another venture for Halal discovery. Go to Maharani Restaurant. It may have a bad interior, but food is delicious. Ah, another Indian cuisine. Oh, fun. I miss having to eat Malaysian food. There are many here, but miss eating HALAL Malaysian food. Sigh..

ps: no website linked to Maharani Mess, but try Google it. Enjoy.

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