Thursday 2 June 2011

MHOR Bread

I was watching TLC's Rachel Allen: BAKE. And there was a segment that Rachel Allen went to a artisan bakery shop called MHOR Bread. And I was fascinated and impressed by the bakery and how it reminded me so much of how Suami is passionate on just making and baking bread.

As usual, my curiosity lead me to go online and research, research and research. After all, I am going to be the boss of Baker's Soul. Heh heh heh. I found their websites. And I was so impressed and blown away as it's actually a family business and they are Scottish.Link Not only they have a bread shop, they even have a hotel, fish store, tea store and many more. Its an entire family MHOR business, I tell ya! What an inspiration to me. I dig & dig & dig. And found loads of links & article written about this entrepreneur business.

My, my, my... I wish one day, to be that adventurous!

I've attached the link to their main websites. Happy clicking this : MHOR

And I've got some articles to those who would like to read about these great family business. It's like so cool to have a brand or name that you can have it in different types of business. A hotel, I tell ya! Hotel! A tea shop? Like come on! A tea shop! You not only get supplies from your own farm or bakery shop, you get it FRESH & the exact style and taste/texture/size you want without having to argue about the quality of it with the suppliers! Damn...! :P

Ok, ok. Here are some of the articles. Thanks to the link provided.

The Bakery Info

Stirling Gov : Business

Surprise Yourself: Visit Scotland

Orange Pup Tent + cheese sandwiches

Enjoy your day, readers. I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog lately. Been busy with "trying" to finish up my wedding album which I have postponed doing it ever since I was solemnized back in Dec 2010. Heh heh heh. I am such a lazy girl. Life. Living without any work stress to think off except how to make my relationship happy.

I'm blessed. *grin*

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