Friday 10 June 2011

Sad day.

It really sucks when you are so far away from home, and you hear the news about someone you love, is suddenly having sick. And it sucks even more, when somebody tells you, that the sickness is cancer. And it gets worst when you know the next day, it has become worst to stage 4 and you can't do anything about it. Thinking and praying that it will be ok.

And suddenly today, at 12 midnight, you receive a message, telling the news that, that person pass away....

He was my late grandfather's brother. He was a wonderful grand uncle that I just adore and love. He is the most happiest man I ever known. Cheerful, funny, witty and always acted like he forgot all of his grandchildren name. And he would just call out random names to us. He would laugh so loudly and talked to random people. Humble, humble, humble man.
Justify Full
On my Solemnization day, he was the eldest man to become my "tukang ganyang" "tukang pembuka majlis" (person who speaks/introduce/starts the event). Since he was the eldest from my family side, he has been in charged ever since both my brothers and now me. And, never in my mind would I think off he would go that soon. I always imagine he will be the one who will be at every of my cousin's wedding. He was my witness. And witness to my brothers. He was the one we all look for when it comes to family matters. Mom is so attached to him.

I know he is old, but he doesn't look or even act old. His just so happy. Always smiling and laughing. You can never not love him.

Rest in piece, datuk Aziz. We will miss you. We love you very much. I'm just so honored, you were there for my wedding day.

10.06.2011 - Datuk Aziz
03.03.2007 - Datuk Salleh

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