Saturday 2 July 2011

My mind is...

Messed up.

I haven't been blogging lately. Maybe because I was away for the last 12 days. Balik kampung. In direct English translation - Go home village. heh heh heh..

I'm sorry to my loyal readers. - If there is anyone reading this piece of crap.

Anyways, back to my topic. Speaking of "topic", remember those days back in school, where you should not write an essay that is out of topic. Hahahahahah! I think I got 1 or 2 feedback/results for my essay paper that was "out of topic". That's fuh-ney.

There I go again. Astray. I can never get my mind straight to what I'm about to write. Always an interruption. Shut up!

I'm in a messed mode these few days. Feeling sluggish. Sad. Down. Hopeless. Stupid. Name it. Anything demotivating. I'm IT. I haven't been working. I haven't been dancing. I haven't been exercising. I can't even spell "exercising" without using the right click - check spelling, button.

It's that whats been bothering me? I thought I could pull it off for a year. You know, take a break. But, I realized I get mad easily. Uneasy. You know, just itchy to be pissed off at small things that don't matter.

And now, I get so frustrated knowing people I know is being all successful and 'out there'. And here I am, having big dreams, but no shit on making it real. I don't know. It's not the time yet. I know. But shouldn't I be doing something by now?

Maybe I'm just plain lazy. That's the answer. Tell me. How do I get myself motivated back again? Help. I think, I've lost something in me. And I know, this will not do good to my self.


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