Thursday 6 June 2013

Today, we found them Halal!

Yes, Alhamdulillah. Allah gave us the opportunity to find halal meat & chicken. Since today, Habibi (I keep using different nick name for my husband. Kejap Husband, kejap Partner, kejap Habibi. Lol!) is off, I planned to first check out Tesco instead. But then somehow, my guts told me to check out Metro Supermarket, which is also nearer compare to Tesco from here. At first, we planned to use the bus, but my husband said, for our first time, we use the taxi, instead. 

It is located in 383 Baiyang Lu, near Longyang Lu subway Line 2 & Line 7(白杨路383号, 近龙阳路). 

This supermarket is huge! Like, if you intend to buy by bulk, then this is the place to go. The plus side of this supermarket is that they do have the "Imported Section" where there is "some" selection of international products. Not the usual like how I thought it would be (cause base on my Internet research, this was one of the place to go). We found our favy cream cracker biscuit, Hap Send - Cap Ping Pong Brand, by the way. But our favy chips, instant packed pasta, instant noodles and etc, was sadly not on the shelf. Boo hoo. 

So isle after isle, we didn't really fancy their rice cooker, woks, kitchen utilities, but got me-self a fancy J.A Henkels kitchen knife. Shweeet! 

But the PLUS side of this supermarket is that, we found our halal things. Go through the Food Section and there will be an isle where the whole freezer is halal. Mind you, that the frozen pork are side by side with the halal meat. Just close one eye, okay..? 

We saw some brands such as Tyson, Sadiaa & CP (which we always use last time we were in Hong Kong) and they had their "Halal" sign, but this time, it was like - "Eh..?!" But don't worry. The halal freezer row is a Muslim-worry-free-section for Muslims. Heh heh heh! Just look for the sign. :)

To celebrate our "We-Found-Our-Halal-Meat" day (though it was frozen and not fresh) the wife cooked a home-first-time-after-6-months meal. Ya Allah! Syukran! I made my Habibi very happy! And we also finally got our pots/pans, plates/bowls, cups/glasses!

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