Sunday 2 June 2013

No common sense.

Now. How can one person misunderstood [ / ] or [✓] to this [ X ]? I'm not being all racist here, but as far as we have been staying here in China, we've made a conclusion that China people got no common sense at all.
Here comes this lady who was in charged of providing our home needs eg: cups, glasses, plates, bowls, pots and pans, and my husband marked [ / ] to the provided list form that he filled in weeks ago, and this lady said that to her understanding we only needed the cutlery and ladles only. She said that my husband marked [ / ] indicating that we do not need the rest of the items. But since the cutlery & ladles were marked [✓] that's the only thing that we are getting.
My husband explained, he did not NOT wanted everything as he marked [tick] all boxes in the form. And she showed to him the form. And its clearer stated [ / ] understood clearly that we wanted all them items. And shes like, "No this [ / ] is saying that you do not want the items. And this [✓] is the items you want."
My husband got so mad, and he took her pen, draw a big "X" and said, "If I do not want those things, I would have marked [ X ] instead of [ / ]. It is so clear that if a person does not want anything, he/she would either marked [ X ] or simply leave the box blank!"
And that lady still insist that she was right. Gosh! I feel like slapping her face. And she didn't even apologise. She even gave a loud sigh cause now she need to do extra work and update on the new inventory. All and all, we have to wait till Tuesday to get our things. How stupid can you be?! The least they can do is to call first to ask if we really do no need the items. Or if you aren't sure, call or ask. It's not that hard to do. If you do not know how to use your common sense, double check. Don't make your guest wait lah! This is unprofessional. For a 5 star hotel. Goodness!
*breath in... breath out*

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