Friday 28 June 2013

Quick Dinner Tonight.

Tonight's dinner is just a simple meal of wet butter prawn since I missed eating them especially from Homst Restaurant in TTDI.

And I got some celery, mushrooms & tomatoes, therefore decided to make a simple soup but with a kick.

That's me for today. Enjoy the rest of the night. Maybe we will go out and grab some coffees later since Habibi is off tomorrow.

The Ingredients for Wet Butter Prawns:
(I do not use measurements. All measurements below are estimation. I just use my instinct and feel to add or reduce.)

  • Prawns (season with salt & pepper) 
      • Note: Head still intact & to be deep fried till golden and crispy.

For the gravy :
  1. 2 cloves of Garlic
  2. 2 Birds eye chili, chopped.
  3. 1/2 cup Milk (or evaporated milk for thicker gravy)
  4. Cheddar Cheese (I just use the sliced packets from President)
  5. Curry leaves (which I don't have)
  6. Butter (A spoonful , I think. Or as many as you want it to be.)
  1. Fry prawns till golden & crispy with oil. 
  2. Use some (like a tablespoon) of the oil from frying the prawns, and pour the butter.
  3. Once hot & you smell the buttery aroma, saute the garlic till fragrant.
  4. Add in birds eye chilli & curry leaves (if you have any)
  5. And then add in the milk & cheese.
  6. Put back the fried prawns in the pan and stir till combined. 

Voila! Wet Butter (cheeeeesy) Prawn. :)

Sunday 16 June 2013

Prayers, Faith and Hope.

I will always remember what my mom always tell me.
"...Kuatkan Iman, kuat lah segalanya..." 
- Mom

I was reading this article written by a professor and it made me thank my mom, for she has taught me well, though there was ups and down (tell me whose daughters don't got through that!). But it is true. Have your Iman or Faith strong, and God will help us.

"...Our marriage problems will only be solved by Allah and Allah will solve our problems when both of us turn to the obedience of the orders of Allah. In order to obey the orders of Allah both sides needs ‘iman’...." 
- Prof. Dr. Nasoha Saabin (September 2011)

In marriage especially, I think is the hardest task given. The stage of marriage is the longest. To be with another being from a different gender, living and breathing the same air. No toleration, no trust, no respect and no Iman nor Faith, things can go down. Its hard to live in a same roof if one loses faith and respect. The world is temporary. Money isn't everything. Don't be a slave to it.

I feel pity to witness others who have marriage problems. And all because of money. I and thankful that my partner taught me well on this money matters thingy. And I taught myself to believe that whatever is given or not given, we should be thankful of what we have. Never ask for more nor less. Just enough. Because it is He who has the powers to give and take away all of this. Keep your Iman strong. Insyaa'Allah, everything will turn out fine.

I pray for happiness in the long run. For a healthy relationship with my partner. And pray for God to protect us from evil. And never let us forget our Iman or worst, forget Him, the Almighty.

I pray for my family too. To seek God's help to ease their pain and keep them healthy and happy.

And to the world, may God help ease the suffering that mankind creates to another mankind. And may there be peace, Insyaa'Allah, one day. And no hatred among each other. No deaths due to war. No blood spilled due to killing. No tears due to words. No feeling heartbroken due to actions.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Lets get Motivated!

Get up and do your part! Hope this will keep me and YOU motivated! :)

Thursday 13 June 2013

Evening with His Fixie.

Didn't do my morning walkercise today. So had to repay my dues and drag Habibi out for an evening walkerjoggercise. He brought along his "Golden Girl" along. Which I can't complain cause I needed his company. Plus had my chance to wheel her off. 
We decided to use a different route. Instead of using the route  to Binjiang Ave  which heads to Lujiazui area, we went the other direction. The one behind our apartment area.

It is so much better. Less crowd, more peaceful, more trees & etc. Well, all I can say it is gorgeous. I don't mind having a change of pace and place.

There's an organic farmhouse there named Tony's Farmhouse (I think so.. heh heh heh). Its in a very modern designed building, very architectonic, I must say, instead of a typical farmhouse, farmhouse. We didn't enter to see the inside, but peeping from the outside, looks kinda interesting.  Basically gotta put it in my "Must Go" list.

I'm about to get a shut eye now. Pretty tired after that good walkerjog. Hehehe. But didn't burn that much. Only 150 calories for just 30 mins. Oh well. Better than no exercise at all, agree?
Enjoy them photos.

Monday 10 June 2013

Almost Similar.

Was taking my rest today after cooking lunch and and the tele-vee was on. Changed my channel to MTV Mandarin, and Jessie J was on with her new single called Wild (Ft. Big Sean & Dizzee Rascal). I was surprised by her new look. Very bald yet bold. She shaved her head for and bleached it blonde.
"....The singer delighted fans and raised lots of money when she shaved her head for Comic Relief a couple of weeks ago....."
Anyways, what was my reason on posting this blog again..? Oh, yes, after watching her latest "Wild" music video, Mariah Carey was next with her new latest single called #Beautiful (ft Miguel). I've got to say, MC lost a lot of weight.

"...Six months after welcoming twins Moroccan and Monroe, Mariah Carey has lost 30 pounds — and shows off her toned legs and flat stomach in size-6 short-shorts on the stunning new cover of Us Weekly, out now..."

And the funny thing was, they wore something almost similar! Both Jessie J & Mariah Carey. Coincidence much? LOL! Well, it's not 100%, but I was like, hmmm, almost the same. Must've been the same stylist. Oh well.

Well, that woke me up to post this. I guess it must've been a fashion thingy nowadays to wear black skimpy almost bathing suit like. Enjoy watching their latest song!

Thursday 6 June 2013

Today, we found them Halal!

Yes, Alhamdulillah. Allah gave us the opportunity to find halal meat & chicken. Since today, Habibi (I keep using different nick name for my husband. Kejap Husband, kejap Partner, kejap Habibi. Lol!) is off, I planned to first check out Tesco instead. But then somehow, my guts told me to check out Metro Supermarket, which is also nearer compare to Tesco from here. At first, we planned to use the bus, but my husband said, for our first time, we use the taxi, instead. 

It is located in 383 Baiyang Lu, near Longyang Lu subway Line 2 & Line 7(白杨路383号, 近龙阳路). 

This supermarket is huge! Like, if you intend to buy by bulk, then this is the place to go. The plus side of this supermarket is that they do have the "Imported Section" where there is "some" selection of international products. Not the usual like how I thought it would be (cause base on my Internet research, this was one of the place to go). We found our favy cream cracker biscuit, Hap Send - Cap Ping Pong Brand, by the way. But our favy chips, instant packed pasta, instant noodles and etc, was sadly not on the shelf. Boo hoo. 

So isle after isle, we didn't really fancy their rice cooker, woks, kitchen utilities, but got me-self a fancy J.A Henkels kitchen knife. Shweeet! 

But the PLUS side of this supermarket is that, we found our halal things. Go through the Food Section and there will be an isle where the whole freezer is halal. Mind you, that the frozen pork are side by side with the halal meat. Just close one eye, okay..? 

We saw some brands such as Tyson, Sadiaa & CP (which we always use last time we were in Hong Kong) and they had their "Halal" sign, but this time, it was like - "Eh..?!" But don't worry. The halal freezer row is a Muslim-worry-free-section for Muslims. Heh heh heh! Just look for the sign. :)

To celebrate our "We-Found-Our-Halal-Meat" day (though it was frozen and not fresh) the wife cooked a home-first-time-after-6-months meal. Ya Allah! Syukran! I made my Habibi very happy! And we also finally got our pots/pans, plates/bowls, cups/glasses!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Dinner tonight.

We decided to have our dinner at Element Fresh which is close by our place in Pudong. Located at the back of Super Brand Mall, same row as Hooters, Musk Cat Coffee and others which I dont remember their exact name. Whatever it is, it is adjacent to TGIF. 

Our first time was last week and both of us are very much impressed by their fresh food and yummy yummy smoothies. There wasn't much option for us, but we are able to settled down on their Salmon Salad, Pasta, and one or two from their Asian menu. 

Not only that, their servers are friendly and speak English well enough for us to understand. Thumbs up to Element Fresh! 

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Reminiscing Two Thousand & Twelve.

It's 2013, and yet another new year and another new adventure for my partner & I. I've got to say, that last year 2012, when we were in Bahrain, I didn't take the effort to update my blog. I think maybe because, never had I had such a busy life. LOL! I mean, when we were in Hong Kong, we stayed pretty far and there wasn't a lot of Malay there. Don't get me wrong, but we made good friends there and still keep in touch till today.
In Bahrain, we had things going on. One, a cat to take care off. Pretty much spoiled and needy. We got him from Bahrain SPCA [do your deeds guys, and save an animal in a shelter] and I was, for 5 months, training him to toilet train [yes, it was a success!]. But now he is in Malaysia with my parents and my mom spoiled him differently and nope, no longer toilet trained. Hehehehehehe!
Then, I was involved and in charged of 16 kids to teach dancing. The Malaysian ambassador H.E. Ambassador Dato’ Ahmad Shahizan Abd Samad created this group of young, non-professional, enthusiastic kids [heart every one of them] to be the young ambassadors and represent Malaysia. They perform traditional dance routine taught by various teachers before me, and also including me, when there is an event by Malaysian Embassy or if somebody requested for them kids. Ive got to say, this was my best moments in my life living abroad.
In Bahrain, I not only teach kids (and also their mothers) dancing, I taught myself how to make my grandmother's home made kg. seri kaya [coconut jam]. It wasn't exactly like my grandmothers, but it sure as hell taste like one! And I am very proud of it. And so was my husband, dad & of course my grandmother herself. I made some cash making this seri kaya and it made me feel so good for I was able to give a helping hand to my partner. Now that is helping each other.
The place we stayed had everything we wanted. We were blessed by a spacious 2 bedroom apartment, with a huge refrigerator, an a OVEN! Oh, gosh! The oven. It was my top of the cherry. I made loads of baking and cooking and loving with that oven. Please scroll down or click on the labels under desserts, homemade, or anything yummy. :)

And last, but not least, God had given us the opportunity to do perform our Umrah. Alhamdulillah. We can't thank him enough for this. It took a lot of obstacle for us to visit the Holy Kaaba, but we took it well and we didn't stop on anything to take it. Our visit there was so beautiful it took our breath away and we missed it till today. Oh, how we wish we could go back there again and again and again. We will. Because we know, He will give it to us again.

شكرا لكم، والله

Monday 3 June 2013

Taking this challenge!

Dude! My partner and I am taking up this challenge. Today will be our third day. I tell you, its getting tougher every each day! Gambate!

Sunday 2 June 2013

No common sense.

Now. How can one person misunderstood [ / ] or [✓] to this [ X ]? I'm not being all racist here, but as far as we have been staying here in China, we've made a conclusion that China people got no common sense at all.
Here comes this lady who was in charged of providing our home needs eg: cups, glasses, plates, bowls, pots and pans, and my husband marked [ / ] to the provided list form that he filled in weeks ago, and this lady said that to her understanding we only needed the cutlery and ladles only. She said that my husband marked [ / ] indicating that we do not need the rest of the items. But since the cutlery & ladles were marked [✓] that's the only thing that we are getting.
My husband explained, he did not NOT wanted everything as he marked [tick] all boxes in the form. And she showed to him the form. And its clearer stated [ / ] understood clearly that we wanted all them items. And shes like, "No this [ / ] is saying that you do not want the items. And this [✓] is the items you want."
My husband got so mad, and he took her pen, draw a big "X" and said, "If I do not want those things, I would have marked [ X ] instead of [ / ]. It is so clear that if a person does not want anything, he/she would either marked [ X ] or simply leave the box blank!"
And that lady still insist that she was right. Gosh! I feel like slapping her face. And she didn't even apologise. She even gave a loud sigh cause now she need to do extra work and update on the new inventory. All and all, we have to wait till Tuesday to get our things. How stupid can you be?! The least they can do is to call first to ask if we really do no need the items. Or if you aren't sure, call or ask. It's not that hard to do. If you do not know how to use your common sense, double check. Don't make your guest wait lah! This is unprofessional. For a 5 star hotel. Goodness!
*breath in... breath out*


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