Sunday 21 July 2013

Green Thumb.

I took the opportunity of being a full time housewife & learn how to start [& learn how to love] growing. And I told my black thumb, "Be the green, be the green..." Kinda reverse-psycho-ing my mind. And wow! It worked!

I got inspired via Pinterest. I mean, I was just browsing & reading peoples Pin and saw how easy they started growing things indoor. Just by regrowing back greens where they got it from the grocery market. How cool was it. Simple, easy & cool.

So I started with celery, cause it was the easiest that I read so far. It grows well too. [Zira, please insert photo of the celery progress] But it also died too. Boo-hoo. And sadly, I had the dead pic of Mr.C (yes I named them out of love) below.

What's left of Mr. C. The whole body got soft & the toothpick didn't get any
grip, so it plopped into the water. *sob sob*

It died after 2 weeks. Sob sob. It was my fault! I didn't get Mr.C a new home! He was in need of soil & I just didn't give him any. Or was just too late. Why! Why! Why....! You grew beautifully. You had beautiful leaves & stalks.. Oh, well... It was your time. 

After the tragic death, I mend my broken heart by regrowing back some lemongrass & chives. Look at that! New shoots! Green-y leaves. It's amazing. I let them sit in water & sunbathing to the awesomely summer sunlight, & they stay perfectly cool with the room temperature of 18-25'c. 

Lookie' them shoots from the lemongrass. & I have been snipping them
chives for my cooking so many times & it still grows.
And lastly, I grew some lime too. Well, I don't know how well will it grow, but looking from the pic below, the seeds [which I got from the fresh lime itself which I bought it from the supermarket] sprouted very well. I started by just cleaning & peeling off the almost see-through skin of the seeds and sandwiched it with facial cotton pads. Moisten the pads and let it sprout in 4-5 days or more. I think mine took about a week plus. Always keep the pad moist. 

The method I used for the above is just with water. I recycled old mineral/coca-cola/vitamin C plastic bottles and cut them into half. Just turn the nozzle head side down (which will be for the plant) and the bottom half is filled with water. It's a good way for self-watering too. In case ones forget or lazy to water them. Like me. :P

So happy it grew. My "black thumb" aint that "black" after all. Kih kih kih.. I hope I get to post more about their development. Curious in what to do after they sprout or grow shoots. What do I need to do now? Have no clue. But, just happy. It's very therapeutic & calming too. 

PS: So envious with those who grows very well & have a garden or space for it. I can only make do with what I have. 

Happy green day ahead!

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