Saturday 13 July 2013

Healthy up!

Been telling myself, this year, I need to start back to live life healthy. I hate it that I am that girl who (yes, I confessed!) once married, I don't care of my body. Just like this picture quote below. Guilty!

So I learn to get back into my health. Learning to love my body again. I mean, I'm not a size 0-1 lady, and I sure hell got no 6 pack, muscle arms & toned legs. But all I know is that, you can be fat & healthy at the same time. Though I'm not trying to strive to being just fat. But I aim to be healthy. Being fit is on-going - lah. 

I've been doing research and reading some online articles, about superfood, clean eating, healthy organic, Fit is the new Thin, and the list goes on and on. Therefore I decided to start the habit again. Yes, again! I mean, before I got married (3 years ago) 1 year prior to my wedding, I worked my butt up. Eat healthy, drink healthy and excercise 3 times a week. Every morning, I take 15 mins or more to do some strenght training, sculpting and toning my body. Gosh! I was at my happiest. I didn't weight 40-50kg. But I was happy. And went I look back at my old photo, I was like, "OMG! Look at me! I look so good! And slimmer!" And to believe back then, I was still calling and thinking I am fat! When I look sooo good already. *sigh*

Moving on.

I have always love smoothies. I don't like eating them vegetables raw or sometimes fruits raw, but I don't mind drinking them. Heheheheh! So did my research and notice that, it's like a "healthy fashion" to drink up your greens  now. I used to just drink fruit smoothies only and sometimes, add in those protein mix. But never, never ever add in greens

I stumbled upon good, motivational website. For once, of course, I started using SparkPeople to lose my weight, back then. I get inspired by their real life losing weight people, and food calculation, fitness tracking, recipes & so on. I even shared my homemade recipes to know how much I'm eating. Cool. But then I stop doing it. Because I'm married. Alasan!

Early this year, I saw a friend of mine, who gets into a great transformation of being healthy! I envy her! She not only is a qualified yoga instructor, but she started EatCleanKL. Kuala Lumpur needs to eat clean and learn to eat clean too. Heheheheh! She makes delivery too. But please check out her Facebook page first to see where their delivery areas are.

 Next, I stumbled upon this page. Simple Green Smoothies. And I've got to tell you guys, I love this website so much, that I followed them on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram & even Twitter! Them girls (Jen & Jadah) are so full of greens. They make it look like it is fun to drink your greens. Well, it sure is! Not only that it's healthy, all their green smoothie recipes are yum-meh! 

I'm inspired! So inspired that I have started drinking & yes, eating healthy again. It's not like, BAM! everything changes. But slowly, gradually changing my eating habits & drinking my greens. :)

For eating, I still cook white rice, since my husband needs them for energy cause he works with oven & hot heat (& just being a typical Malaysian), but I added in oats. I love this the best [image below], but sadly in Malaysia they don't have them. So far, only found them when we lived in Hong Kong & also here in China. But it's okay. If you can't find them, just used normal oats. 

I love this so much. The least I can do to make my husband eat healthy balance.
Then, I also added organic flaxseed. It is a such a small powerful seed indeed. It helps fight heart disease, diabetes and breast cancer. It contains good fats, packed with fibers & a good weight lose seed too. Have a try. I just add them on pretty much everything. Rice, dishes, & even drink it. Which I used them every time I make my smoothies. Just look at them photos below. (note that some of the photos taken are drank till the last drop image). But because I love the outlook & the after effect that my smoothies make. It's like art. HEHEHEHEHEHE!

For drinking, I started to add in spinach. Yup, just spinach. Haven't tried kale yet, but till I can find a good, healthy & organic kale, will I used spinach first. There you go. Just try adding them greens. Try a cup first. I tell you, you can't taste the green at all! And the colours are just beautiful to see. 

Sadly, my smoothies are not as smoothy as what I see online or go to some fruit juice smoothie bar. Cause I didn't purchase any good blender yet. Hey, you need to keep money to invest a good blender. But at the moment, I'll just use my cheap Philips brand blender. That's why you see loads of chunks in my smoothie. Kih kih kih. It's okay. It will go in my tummy anyways. :)

Reminder to self : I will need to write down the recipes for all the smoothies I made above. 

Self : Ok, noted. :P

Till next blog post! Eat up healthy! Drink up healthy!

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