Wednesday 6 April 2011

Missing Day

Dear you,

I just want to tell you that I miss (list below) :-

0. My Family.
1. My cats - Cuz cuz & Kung Fu. & Sheepish (RIP sayang ku)
2. My room. I badly do. Especially my bed.
3. My clothes in my room. - I'm sorry I left you all behind. Soon ok. Soon, Ill pick you guys up ok.
4. My workout at the Gym - G's Lil' Jiggy Monsters, dance studio, machines & motivations from seeing other's workout & body.
5. My Car - Skoda WPR.
6. The comfort of eating Halal food anywhere.
7. Monthly money income.
8. Top Shop.
9. The sound of Azan.

So far, this is what I can think of now. This is just out of random.

Signing off,
The Mrs.

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