Sunday 10 April 2011


My baby is sick today. Well, his been coughing since last 2 days. And tonight he got worst. He doesn't have enough sleep cause he is SUCH a stubborn man! He doesn't want to listen to me to go to sleep early rather than, going out for lunch, or watch TV, or even watching his favourite show on YouTube! Gosh. Stubborn, man! So, today, he looks worst and he caught a fever too. I feel so hopeless, looking at him, not knowing what to do. And he has to go to work. Fuck it! -Sorry.

I hope he comes home early tomorrow so that he can get more rest. I don't know what to cook for him or whats the best drink for him. I don't know how to make those herbal drinks. I don't dare to buy the ones out there. Plus I cant read Chinese. I can only rub his chest and back with Vicks, let him drink enough water, and ask him to steam the bathroom as steaming can cool down his coughing and breathing. It also helps to break the phlegm.

Okay, I found some home remedies online. So I will try it tomorrow when my baby comes home from work. Oooo.. poor babydoll. I wish you don't have to go to work. You should rest at home and let me take care of you. Kesian, my babydoll...

1. Mix ginger & cinnamon to a boil.

2. Garlic & honey and leave it overnight or up to 2 weeks.

3. Chew in ginger. (Yeeeksss..)

4. Last but not least, inhale steam.

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