Friday 1 April 2011

Falling for Lush.

I was looking for ways to get rid of the stinking smell from Suami's feet and my feet as we always sweat especially during this winter/spring. Sebab we wear socks and closed up shoes. So that day we went for jalan-jalan and always pass by LUSH, but only went there once as to buy a soap requested by Ms. Hana. So I told myself, lets really really check out this store. An, damn. you will fall in love with everything that are displayed.

Its like Body Shop. Tapi, this has a bit of unique and home made-ness feel to it. And its also artsy fartsy too. Their items are made into delicious look-a-like candy bars/meringues/edible sauce/jellies/macaroons! Sapa tak terhinggap nganga mulut tgk. And the smell are just beautiful, fresh and YUMMYLICIOUS! Scented creme brulee, cinnamon, toffee, sweet apples! Most of their ingredients are non-animal tested and vegan. As written in their websites. Click link above. And they use fresh herbs/lemons/mints etc.

Price is always a problem. Oh well. Anything so called home made are always expensive. But if its good, I always believe in investing one. I always call it an investment. So it feels very rational to get one. Hehehehehe.. Anyways, (ada saja nak membebel) we bought the soap for the feet scrub. Its very minty, buttery, and herbal-ly. heheheh.

So last 2 days, when Suami balik from work after whole night of working really really late till the morning hours, I decided to clean his feet. Plus he said he got some skin infections. Cause he wears socks all the time at work, and he works in a hot, humid kitchen, plus he plays with flour, yeast, water and moist. Duh.. Surely bacteria will easily enjoy his warm, moist, dark feet. Hence, the smelly feet.

So I took the pail, add warm water in it, and brought the pile of water to our room. Suami was busy watching his movies on Youtube while sucking some "asam". I washed his feet. I felt like a good wife, on the floor scrubbing and washing away. ehehehe. And Suami boleh je layan movie tanpa melihati Isteri buat apa kat kaki dia. Oh well. Isteri soleha. Kene lah. After drying both of his feet, I cut some lemons and dab it on his skin infection area as I know lemon can kill bacteria. Well, I wanted to try Bi-carbonate soda, but we will wait and see how my Suami's feet is doing this week. If masih menjadi, try bende lain lak.

So far, Suami's feet got not much of smell. His feet feels smoother. And his skin infection looks less peeled and its dry. So looks like a good sign. Plus, I told Suami to change his shoes every once a week. So there you go. The story about LUSH. hehehehe.

Enjoy, and scrub away folks.. A scrubbed feet is a happy feet! :)

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