Monday 25 April 2011

Breath in, Breath out..

I'm so frustrated. No furious. No! Mad, angry, outrageous! But in actual, sad. I want Lomography's Diana F + Kit Set. Plus, the instant back set too. Sob sob. I want to work. I want money. I want income, so that I don't have to depend on my Suami all the time. It feels sucky when I have to ask him for money every time I want to buy something. Come on, I used to like worked for 5 years and earn my own ka-ching and buy anything I want without having and guilt or doubt (except when I was in a debate to whether to buy the dress in MNG or not as an investment.)

Gosh, today was like supposed to be a simple day outing with Suami. We wanted to check out the Lomography store at Sheung Wan (I did research and found out bout it online.) We had our usual brunch at Flying Pan at SoHo, and then decided to walk it off to Sheung Wan by depending on the signage of HK and my Nokia's photo taken map from the Internet. Smart huh. But we did end up finding it. And it was not that far from Central. Really.

My sister brought up the topic about Lomo. No actually, my junior from high school who came to HK following her husband for work, took a photo of us (while we were heading back home to Central from Tung Chung - Citygate) And took our photo using a POLAROID. The old school kinda Polaroid. Damnit! Suami and I always wanted one. So our conversation on that day onwards was just bout Polaroid & Ebay. Ever since that day, I was just browsing through online about Polaroids & films (when I should be busy finishing my wedding selection album. I'm an effing lazy women!!)

Suddenly, one of the page linked me to another and another, and I stumbled upon Lomo & instant pictures. (Very linked.) I also not only LOVE Polaroid old school camera, but Im also CURIOUS with Lomo cameras. I remembered those days, when one of my college girlfriend called Wasabi, bought one and she took photos and developed it and photos came out cool and experimental. But never have I looked at it seriously as I didn't have money to buy them anyways. So it was left somewhere in my brain/memories. So, where was I..?

Oh yeah, I read the write up about having both of best world, having a LOMO and feel of the instant POLAROID like camera. And that's when DIANA F+ came into my heart. I feel in love with her the minute I open the website. Pretty, pretty DIANA. Oh, you captured my heart.


My sister from Aussie messaged me that day asking me if (god really planned this well) Lomo's film in HK is cheaper or not. She wanted me to survey if there is any Lomo store here in HK and all. And bam! I was like, yeah, there's a Lomo store in HK. And that was a STRONG reason to drag - no, drag sounds forceful, persuade Suami to go and take a sneak peak of the store. Plus, I've been talking to my Suami (you know, topics to discuss while having dinner/lunch :P) bout DIANA and he was interested to know more. In a way, I thank Allah for giving me a man who do have command interest as I do.

And again, the day was on our side, it was 10-20% off for FILMS!! Since it was Easter Day. Coolio. Once entered, I was blown away by the many spoilt choices of Lomo. Plus I was really BLOWN AWAY cause I know NO SHIT bout Lomo. Hahahahahahahahahah! I was dumb-founded. Not to make it like we are that dumb, I need to make it look like, we are smart and "INTERESTED" to know more bout it. Like we have knowledge bout it (since I read online most of the time & Suami knows one or two things). So first thing, we asked regarding bout the films my sister wanted and nope, they go non of what she wanted. But managed to buy the basic ones like 400 & 800 iso lomo 35mm film. For daylight & night time. And that's when I mentioned her name... "DIANA...." and I was officially introduced to her. Oh, you beautiful plastic made sq. body.

Now, I know a bit or so about DIANA. Again, I was BLOWN AWAY - this time it was - EXPLODED when the sales person show me the Deluxe Kit...! Taa-daa, it said. Buy me. I'm worth it. And it was. It has DIANA F+ with flash, 5 lenses, 35mm back, some fancy strap, cable release collar and other cool shiat. heh heh heh. It was tempting.

I took a looooooooong time to decide. But managed to breath in, and breath out and let go. But you know it will bug you, cause you soooooo want it. Therefore, basically, I want it. Now all I need to do is to research properly, question myself if it's an investment. grrrrr!

Thank god we didn't go to Polaroid store at Causeway Bay. If not. Memang naik giler... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

List of "nafsu dunia" that I want to buy :-

1. Diana F + Kit Deluxe.
2. Diana F + Instant Back
3. Polaroid SX07 Land Camera - Rainbow stripe, baybeh! Old school!
4. Scottist fold kitty.
5. Those stylo bicycle.
6. Oven.
7. Those handy Digital Camera.
9.Vacuum cleaner.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Living in the non-halal world.

Its difficult to leave non-halal free world. It feels like, you're not in the safe zone. I mean back in KL, everything is "mostly" halal. And you got no guilt or feeling doubtful while eating down the chicken or meat or pastries. Here, everything is doubtful to us. Ev-verything. (_ _')

Our journey begins as husband and wife on the 18th of December 2010. Having to live my life in KL the land of Halal all my entire lives, makes me a person so comfortable and taking advantages on what I eat/drink/wear. But having said to early, Allah changes my lifestyle. And it all begins when the "HALAL" certificate/chop/sign disappear from my eyes.

It became an extinct thing. Metaphorically lah. Getting Halal food/drinks/clothes is an appreciation/grateful/joy feeling. If we stumble upon some meat and saw the halal sign on it, it was a miracle and I feel like dancing with joy. And tell the whole world that we discover it. Twitter it, Facebook it, and blog about it. - like what Im doing now.

Once you get away from your home land only you realized, its a real huge task for us, Muslim. It really shows how well we stick to our beliefs and faith to Allah. And I'm grateful enough to have parents who taught me well on what is right, and what is wrong. And having a Suami who is willing and have the same faith and belief as me. Alhamdulillah. I love you, Suami.

I wrote this down in Twitter : Tak daging nya, ada lak kulitnya. Tak kulitnya, ada lak lemak nya. why...? why..? - 24th April 2011.

Mind you practice Muslims out there, food these days are not 100% halal. Even we thought it is. Suami and I now check every ingredients on food item we buy. Taking care of the E-Codes as I wrote it down in my notepad. Ice creams we thought was okay, contains animal's part/fats. Which is not halal. Breads with thought is edible, contains bits of animals part/fats. Clothes we thought was comfy, contains animals part. *Sign..* I will try my best to stay away as much. Its not that we both are all expert or poyo about it, but we try. Now, ever since we gained some knowledge on some things, I wonder back in KL, how Halal are the food/clothes items. But so far, warning tags are displayed. But over here, I got to pick up shoes/clothes with cautions awareness. heh heh heh. Mana lah tahu, terpegang. Samak samak..

May I gain more knowledge, strength, faith and belief in my journey with my husband living in someone else country. Insy'Allah...

Signing off...

This are just my thoughts in my own point of view/opinion. Not starting an arguments or anything.

Saturday 23 April 2011

I wish *closes my eyes & squeezed my hands tight*

I wish upon the stars.. heh heh heh.. Naaah, I actually just wanted to list down what/where I want to do/go in the near/far future.

1. Go to Disney World.
2. Spain, Paris, Italy, (Europe basically, back packing)
3. Perhentian Kecil
4. Singapore
5. Open my bakery shop.
6. Buy a Scottish Fold feline.
7. Bring home a Panda & baby cub.
8. Get an oven, so I can bake.
9. Go bungee jumping at a cliff.
10. Enroll into a dance class here in HK.

It will be more. Will add in (like every other post I wrote which "I will add in". :P

Monday 11 April 2011

Major Discipline!!

No effing way. No! The conversation goes,

Suami : B.. (while touching Isteri's cheeks)

Isteri : Yeah.. (wondering why Suami is touching my cheeks)

Suami : Nanti, I dah sihat, we go workout k..

Isteri : Ok. Why..? I dah gemuk ker..?

Suami pinching on cheeks..

Suami : Pipi you dah naik..

Isteri shocked. Flabbergasted. Oblivious. Berserk. Ran to the bathroom, look herself in the mirror, and "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

Total slap on the face! I have definitely woken up from my lazy, fat ass mode! I didn't realize the changes. Its here. It finally came. And I thought that I wont put any weight. But, man. Was I a effing stupid fool! Stupid idiot. You have totally lost your dedication & disciplinary self. You are so dead. And you are so losing all the effort you have done. What the hell is wrong with you!?

I've got a big slap on the face. It was hard and smacked. That's it. I'm up. Awaken. Now, its major changes. First thing first. Groceries. Counting calories. Dedication. Determination. Exercise. Sweat. There is no more turning back. Either I'm blinded by my own vision, but what I saw in the mirror is a filthy, fat, lazy arse person. I swear not to let go, swear to the oath of the gym-ing life, swear to the smell of the sweats, that I will no longer be the fat girl I use to be.


Sunday 10 April 2011


My baby is sick today. Well, his been coughing since last 2 days. And tonight he got worst. He doesn't have enough sleep cause he is SUCH a stubborn man! He doesn't want to listen to me to go to sleep early rather than, going out for lunch, or watch TV, or even watching his favourite show on YouTube! Gosh. Stubborn, man! So, today, he looks worst and he caught a fever too. I feel so hopeless, looking at him, not knowing what to do. And he has to go to work. Fuck it! -Sorry.

I hope he comes home early tomorrow so that he can get more rest. I don't know what to cook for him or whats the best drink for him. I don't know how to make those herbal drinks. I don't dare to buy the ones out there. Plus I cant read Chinese. I can only rub his chest and back with Vicks, let him drink enough water, and ask him to steam the bathroom as steaming can cool down his coughing and breathing. It also helps to break the phlegm.

Okay, I found some home remedies online. So I will try it tomorrow when my baby comes home from work. Oooo.. poor babydoll. I wish you don't have to go to work. You should rest at home and let me take care of you. Kesian, my babydoll...

1. Mix ginger & cinnamon to a boil.

2. Garlic & honey and leave it overnight or up to 2 weeks.

3. Chew in ginger. (Yeeeksss..)

4. Last but not least, inhale steam.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Bake freak.

Have I gone into a freak..? Ive been watching Cake Boss on Youtube every night since I cant sleep early, and play my Diner Dash game on my Nintendo DS, Cafe World on Facebook, and Im bugging my Suami about getting an oven so I can bake my cakes, pastries & etc. My Suami works as a baker who particularly lives his entire life in a baking kitchen and here I am, wanting and eager to be involved in it. Gosh. I think I am a freak. I cant wait for Baker's Soul to open in future. :) Back to Cake Boss. Soooo buying their DVD's. Huhuhuhu!

Friday 8 April 2011

Solutions to everything.

So, I got no oven to bake. But I got oil.

Therefore, let's FRIED it!! hihihihi..

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Marriott Hong Kong SkyCity goes Halal.

Check this link, readers. I think this is cool & respectful. It's also very considerable too. :)

"Marriott Hong Kong SkyCity goes Halal...."

Signing off.

Missing Day

Dear you,

I just want to tell you that I miss (list below) :-

0. My Family.
1. My cats - Cuz cuz & Kung Fu. & Sheepish (RIP sayang ku)
2. My room. I badly do. Especially my bed.
3. My clothes in my room. - I'm sorry I left you all behind. Soon ok. Soon, Ill pick you guys up ok.
4. My workout at the Gym - G's Lil' Jiggy Monsters, dance studio, machines & motivations from seeing other's workout & body.
5. My Car - Skoda WPR.
6. The comfort of eating Halal food anywhere.
7. Monthly money income.
8. Top Shop.
9. The sound of Azan.

So far, this is what I can think of now. This is just out of random.

Signing off,
The Mrs.

Monday 4 April 2011

April Fools Lunch.

It is already April. April. April. What a beautiful name for a girl. Tiba-tiba.

I have been here since December. My, my, my. Cepat betul masa berlalu. I don't want to write much as I need to get a good decent rest/sleep. So I'm just posting photos from the lunch I cooked on 1st of April Fools day. And it wasn't a trick or lie or "i gotcha this time!". I cooked. Tom yam soup, bean sprout with soy sauce, beef bergedel, omelet, deep fried squid and made some watermelon ribena juice since Suami craves for something sweet to drink. Plus, I don't practice putting a bottle of water in the fridge anymore. Cold water is no no good for digestion. It wont help break our food. :)

Shut up, Isteri. Ok. I shuttups now. Enjoy.

Friday 1 April 2011

Falling for Lush.

I was looking for ways to get rid of the stinking smell from Suami's feet and my feet as we always sweat especially during this winter/spring. Sebab we wear socks and closed up shoes. So that day we went for jalan-jalan and always pass by LUSH, but only went there once as to buy a soap requested by Ms. Hana. So I told myself, lets really really check out this store. An, damn. you will fall in love with everything that are displayed.

Its like Body Shop. Tapi, this has a bit of unique and home made-ness feel to it. And its also artsy fartsy too. Their items are made into delicious look-a-like candy bars/meringues/edible sauce/jellies/macaroons! Sapa tak terhinggap nganga mulut tgk. And the smell are just beautiful, fresh and YUMMYLICIOUS! Scented creme brulee, cinnamon, toffee, sweet apples! Most of their ingredients are non-animal tested and vegan. As written in their websites. Click link above. And they use fresh herbs/lemons/mints etc.

Price is always a problem. Oh well. Anything so called home made are always expensive. But if its good, I always believe in investing one. I always call it an investment. So it feels very rational to get one. Hehehehehe.. Anyways, (ada saja nak membebel) we bought the soap for the feet scrub. Its very minty, buttery, and herbal-ly. heheheh.

So last 2 days, when Suami balik from work after whole night of working really really late till the morning hours, I decided to clean his feet. Plus he said he got some skin infections. Cause he wears socks all the time at work, and he works in a hot, humid kitchen, plus he plays with flour, yeast, water and moist. Duh.. Surely bacteria will easily enjoy his warm, moist, dark feet. Hence, the smelly feet.

So I took the pail, add warm water in it, and brought the pile of water to our room. Suami was busy watching his movies on Youtube while sucking some "asam". I washed his feet. I felt like a good wife, on the floor scrubbing and washing away. ehehehe. And Suami boleh je layan movie tanpa melihati Isteri buat apa kat kaki dia. Oh well. Isteri soleha. Kene lah. After drying both of his feet, I cut some lemons and dab it on his skin infection area as I know lemon can kill bacteria. Well, I wanted to try Bi-carbonate soda, but we will wait and see how my Suami's feet is doing this week. If masih menjadi, try bende lain lak.

So far, Suami's feet got not much of smell. His feet feels smoother. And his skin infection looks less peeled and its dry. So looks like a good sign. Plus, I told Suami to change his shoes every once a week. So there you go. The story about LUSH. hehehehe.

Enjoy, and scrub away folks.. A scrubbed feet is a happy feet! :)

Best Home Remedies for...


I managed to try out some home remedies this week. Such as removing:-

1. Smelly/stinky feet odor.

2. Smelly shoes.

3. Armpit ordor.

4. Room ordor.

5. Wardrobe smells.

6. Dull bathroom appliances.

7. Dull glass/mirror.

You may never wonder those things can be found in your own home without you taking out those green/blue/red/ or which ever country your notes are. Well, maybe one or two things you've got to buy - no, invest. As stated on my Facebook status, being a housewife makes me gain loads of knowledge. I mean, we are newly weds, I try not to buy things which I believe the best way to clean up your own home is by using the old school ways. I mean, how the hell did our grand ancestors, great great great ancestors clean their homes when back in those days, there weren't much of technologies. Plus, they look good and healthy, compare to our generation now living.

So, open up your home kitchen cabinet, and take out those things which you can use to spruce up your home, and save up your money from paying a maid. Mind you, above items are the least things you can use. Theres more to it. You may think, cornstarch is for cooking, but if you pinch some into your shoes, it absorbs the moist and smell and keeps your feet happy.

I use mostly yang dah expired or about to be thrown out. Don't go stack those old teabags until it "berkulat". But, use wisely. Oh, well. I hope this helps.

Smell free, people. Smell free. :)

My Sweet Tooth.

I just love desserts and sweet things to eat! I need to eat something or drink something sweet everyday to complete my stomach's craving. Its not good, but I swope once in a while having sinful pastries to fruits salad or sipping some caramel latte to drinking blueberry/strawberry/banana smoothies. I got loads more to upload. But I kinda lazy to take out my external HD and plug into Suami lappy. Owh well. Enjoy ur sweet tooth hunting. I still got loads more to explore here in HK. Kata nak buka future bakery shop. I got to eat everyone of the shops we explore all over the world to do some R&D right. hehehe. To open a business is to be the customer.