Thursday 27 January 2011

What's left hanging...? Part II

Four. Suami called the night before. And asked, "Do you want to have lunch out tomorrow..?" And of course I said, "Yes, please." Since my fever dah slow down and feeling much better, of course I want to go OUT! hehehe. So next day, as usual, woke up and took my shower and get ready for lunch. Wore a dress with black stockings, blow dried me hair, put on a bit of make up and went to Central. I felt 15 all over again. Yeay, lunch date with Suami. But it felt like lunch date with "boyfriend" *nudge* uha uhaa.. boyfriend.. heeeee~

Everytime Suami sees me, he always stares at me. For what reason, I don't know. He stares and look at me up and down, like his pissed or annoyed. Heh. Weirdo. Anyways, so Suami said we need to go to Wing Fung St. So took MTR again and when to Admiralty station. Love love love the place. Very chic and urban. Urban chic. Cool stuff, shops, cafes and etc. But didn't have the chance to explore much. Cause Suami made reservation at 12:30pm. Ooooo~ Reservations sound so, important. So, special. Sounds like an occasion kan.

There he brought me Cepage Restaurant. To where his ex-colleague's work. In a fine dining restaurant. And I thought it was going to be a simple restaurant. But it was fine dining again. I wasn't even dressed or makeup for it. Really didn't expect this. We entered and this guy came to us and quickly mentioned Iqwan's name - "Mr. Iqwan...? Good afternoon. Welcome. " And he brought us upstairs where our tables are. We got to use the elevator. Designed very chic and modern. Loved the sleek usage of materials. Veneer and tinted-black mirror. High ceiling. Ambiance was magnific. Host brought us to our table, and was I shocked to see the roasted oink-oink besor2 kat atas table display in the middle of the room. So, Iqwan asked to sit near the window which is closed to the entrance for the elevator. "Do you mind the corridor and elevator, sir..?" "No, we don't. Asalkan makan tak pandang bende alah tu.." Smile to host. "Do you mind if you could call for me, Ms. Cheryl, please. And tell her, we are here.." Ooooo, Suami, very fancy. I loike.

Then came another host, and he was like, "Mr. Iqwan. Welcome back. How are you..?" My, my, my. Suami seems to be a regular here. My, my, my. Honey, you said, you got no time to lepak. Kantoi. kih kih kih. So pastry chef, Cheryl came out and greet us. She recommended some of the eat-able food for us. We could only eat - Fish. Wow, you didn't know that was coming right. Riiiiiiiiighttttt ~ heh heh heh. So I ordered Artichoke Soup & Black Cod Fish. And Suami had the Scallops Salad & Salmon Fish. It was delicious. Tender, moist and soft. Sangat sedap. And to top up my wonderful lunch, was the ever sooooo orgasmic and - I cant find the right word for this - luxurious orgasmic savory taste I ever tasted. It tasted so beautiful. Chef made me a Clementine orange (edible skin) with sorbet, panacota on caramalised based and chef drizzled some sauce to it. Very tangerine, sweet, pekat texture to it. Delicieux! And Suami had the Chocolate Souffle with Caramel Ice Cream.

The best presentation was when I saw the waiter brought Suami's dessert. It had a chinese soup spoon with this coffee coloured egg like shape on it. I was wondering what it is, and it was ice cream for the Souffle. Then the waiter asked, "May I..?" and was pointing to Suami's dessert. And Suami was like, "Yes," and the waiter tooked a spoon and made a hole in the middle of the souffle. And took the soup spoon and transferred the coffee colour ice cream. hehehe. fancy smancy. i loike. so i click "LIKE". *grin*

The chef even made us some free tit-bits to end our lunch. Though we are full, (we da bao), but I had to taste some of it. Had the macaroons, chocolate truffle and this kuih bahulu look a-like cake. And that wasn't it, the waiter brought for us the cheese cart, and me love cheese, tried some of the recommendation. I wanted Harvati cheese. But they didnt have any. Maybe I wasn't that pro on cheese and nampak sangat bodoh and tak minum wine, but who cares. I want to try since its there. Liked only 1 out of 3. The least taste and smell. hehehe.

And I asked Suami. Whats the occasion for this lovely lunch date. And he said, we are married for a month already. Just thought we could celebrate it. Thank you, love. It was lovely. Never ever thought I would experience it again (after my stay in MOKul). And I liked it. I may sound silly and poyo, but, just having to experience this kinda thing, macam best. Being pampered, excellent service, attention given. heeee ~ syiok.

But I never forget who is behind of all this things going on. Alhamdullilah. Allah is so great. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You gave us this. And I thank you. Masya'Allah.

Enjoy the photos! Oh, this is a "must-go-but-occasionally-lah" place to be. Perfect for lovers, and to be poyo once in a while. If anyone decide to go, please mentioned Iqwan (CDP baker from Landmark Mandarin Oriental) recommended this place and mentioned Ms. Cheryl as she is the Pastry Chef there. Her desserts are thumbs ups! Like the movie from Julie & Julia, i re-quote "Bon Apetite!"

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