Tuesday 25 January 2011

What's left hanging..?

My balls. KAH KAH KAH KAH KAH KAH! haaaaaa...~

I got a fever last 2 days. I think. So wasn't really in a mood to blog or even tweet or FB. Hahah. Almost wanted to type FB-I. Haaaaa ~ Anyways, only today, correction, tonight, I started back blogging. Lets see. What should I blog? K, Lets just randomly blog on what ever I can.

One, Iqwan bought turtles and had them for about 2-3 months. Apparently, 2 died. 1 died and his housemate, Mr. Paddy disposed it (where or how I don't want to know) and left 2 of them. Which, another 1 died too. And I had to witness its death. Well, it didn't die dramatically, but it just stopped moving. And Iqwan said, "B, its dead." And I felt responsible for it cause I was the one who cleaned their home (which I doubt, my Suami will do it anytime soon) and I wasn't really must of a turtle person, more of a "CAT" - like duh, and probably I put to much water in the tank and out of cold weather and water, he/she just - died. yup.

So now, Left 1 more. And I plan to take care of it no MATTER what it takes. And when I say take care, I mean, I make sure the water is warm, I keep the lil' fella in our room now since theres a heater, and I talk to him/her, hold it, cuddle it and give loads and loads of love. Suddenly I'm so attached to the lil' fella. They are pretty cute and boring. Now he is just sitting in his container home and doing basically nothing. I hope his warm enough. Ok, people, help. How the effing way to take care of a turtle. I don't want this fella to die. Its cruel and I think I'm a murderer. RIP.

End of story.

Second. I got sick that day, and Suami bought me food. I haven't got the chance to show you the food photo from Ebeenezeer's restaurant. Well, here it is. Chicken Tikka with Salad. It looks a bit yucky here. But it taste excellent. I can eat this all the time. Till I'm bored of course.

I love how the drizzle the top of any food dish with mint sauce and some other mayo stuff. I have no idea what but, its finger licking good. hehehe. To those who want something filling and full, check out Ebernezeer. And for dessert (yes, yes, I know i was sick, but who actually cares. Its dessert time) I had Movenpick Strawberry Ice Cream. Need I say more why I didn't not eat it. Its Movenpick. Hello!! Delicious. Yumms.

End of story.

Three. Rearrange our compact living bedroom. hehehe. And now, its way bigger, more space and ample place to Solat. Well, for 1 person, but still, We are able to sit on the floor, do a lil' bit of work out exercises and lipat/gosok baju. The room looks like a mess in the photo, but because I was in the midst of cleaning and folding and organizing the "compact living" bedroom, I just want to proof that being creative in a small space helps giving a good chi in your mood. Cheers to that to those who agree. *click*

End of story.

K, am tired of blogging. Will update tomorrow. The next blog will be about my lovely lunch with Suami. Enjoy.

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