Friday 10 June 2011

Sad day.

It really sucks when you are so far away from home, and you hear the news about someone you love, is suddenly having sick. And it sucks even more, when somebody tells you, that the sickness is cancer. And it gets worst when you know the next day, it has become worst to stage 4 and you can't do anything about it. Thinking and praying that it will be ok.

And suddenly today, at 12 midnight, you receive a message, telling the news that, that person pass away....

He was my late grandfather's brother. He was a wonderful grand uncle that I just adore and love. He is the most happiest man I ever known. Cheerful, funny, witty and always acted like he forgot all of his grandchildren name. And he would just call out random names to us. He would laugh so loudly and talked to random people. Humble, humble, humble man.
Justify Full
On my Solemnization day, he was the eldest man to become my "tukang ganyang" "tukang pembuka majlis" (person who speaks/introduce/starts the event). Since he was the eldest from my family side, he has been in charged ever since both my brothers and now me. And, never in my mind would I think off he would go that soon. I always imagine he will be the one who will be at every of my cousin's wedding. He was my witness. And witness to my brothers. He was the one we all look for when it comes to family matters. Mom is so attached to him.

I know he is old, but he doesn't look or even act old. His just so happy. Always smiling and laughing. You can never not love him.

Rest in piece, datuk Aziz. We will miss you. We love you very much. I'm just so honored, you were there for my wedding day.

10.06.2011 - Datuk Aziz
03.03.2007 - Datuk Salleh

Friday 3 June 2011

Wanna Cupcake?

I think it was yesterday, that Suami & I stumble upon (again) a small cupcake shop. Well, I saw it online and never thought of looking for it. But when we were walking about aimlessly (as usual) after our disappointment of going to Lomo store to pick up our "spoiled-photos", which was not ready by the way, we were face to face with this cupcake shop called Cake-A-Licious.

Well, our main reason of aimlessly looking around was to have a dessert session due to depression. (Remember, photos not ready.. *point statement above) So we wanted to check out this pastry shop called SIFT. We walked all the way from Shueng Wan where the Lomo store is at, and pass through another cool shop I discovered online, called Pantry Magic (will write a blog about this - definitely), and suddenly we were back to SOHO area. We were just walking along Queen's Rd. And was blinded by all the junk, antiques, collector item's along the way. In short, it ain't that far from Central to Shueng Wan.

So, back in SOHO area, Suami thinks he knows where SIFT was, but sadly, he don't remember. That's when we discovered Cake-A-Licious. It's basically hidden among the shops. Plus it's at the basement. You are to use a staircase to walk in their shop. It reminded me so much of Melbourne. Hehehehehe. But, once you are at that road, I don't think you will miss it. I sure didn't cause it's in Fuchsia, smells of eggs, sugar and flour, and you see people suddenly disappearing heading down.

First thing I saw was the cupcakes on the display counter. Not really much of a choice to pick from plus it wasn't really attractive. Wanted to walked out, but, now, that's the thing about having your shop at the basement area. You're like entering with an agreement to buy something, because walking out - more to UP, means attracting attention. hehehehehe.

I thought to myself, we are here, may else well buy something. Smells good. Don't wanna judge the decoration from it's taste. We bought Red Velvet and Carrot Cake. Typical. But, usually, the typical ones are the ones that helps to compare from another shop. The cream cheese icing on top was just to flat. Didn't have enough swirl on it. And, it was just plain cream cheese and a little icing mixed in it. Not complaining. Just giving you the visual idea. Though I've posted some photos. Heheheheh.

To give you a clear idea, I think the RV wasn't that great. But I did enjoy the Carrot Cupcake though. It's kinda hard to give a good A+ to cupcakes nowdays, as theres soooo may competition everywhere. And plus, I've tasted better. So, to sum up both Suami & my conclusion, Cake-A-Licious bakery is a so-so choice. But don't stop you guys from trying. Cause maybe it tastes good from your liking.

Glorious Food!

Chapter: 16, Verse 114

"...therefore eat of what Allah has given you, lawful and good (things), and give thanks for Allah's favor if Him do you serve.."

Thank you, Allah & to my Suami for this blissful life. Having to live in this world, with food that are made from earth. Alhamdulillah.

Crazy Ideas for Kitchens!

Why haven't I thought of this. Reused low cabinets example: TV cabinets, bedside cabinets, etc; and mount them on the walls and used it as a kitchen cabinets instead! It's super functional, cheap and super cool idea. If you think the colour of the cabinets are dull, re-paint them with your own choice. It's pretty much DIY, but when money is concern, who wouldn't want to be creative. I sure would!

I got my inspiration from a link I stumbled upon. She uses IKEA's bathroom mirrored cabinet (or I usually call the Medicine Cabinet) and mounted it on one part of the wall in the kitchen she designed. It's mirrored, so it gives the illusion of space. Smart eh? And you can usually DIY things from IKEA. All because you have to assemble your own things. Unless you pay the person who is in-charged of assembling it. But then again, you pay more. Right? So, why pay more. Make it a "weekend project" with your love ones or friends, or whoever.

I tell ya, once I get my hands on my own cheap, run-down apartment, I will use my (I hope its magical) magic hands, and spur me house like it cost a bomb, baybeh! heh heh heh.

Back to reused & being all creative. You see, IKEA cabinets always have its legs separated. Correct? Therefore, don't use them. Save them and used it on other things. Take those legs off and mount it on the wall. Now, mounting it, is another chapter for me to research. I'm sure there's many ways to stick them on the walls. Make your kitchen more funkier by adding tiles, which you can buy them easily at any tiles shops. You don't need them a lot, but measure the area you want them to be, and calculate the quantities/pieces needed. Not only that, buy those funky mirrors and lay them behind the cabinet wall to give it a little more depth and of course style.

I think its a great idea to make your own DIY kitchen. More like attaching them piece per pieces. Draw them (you not need to sketch it perfectly like a designer, just a rough idea) out on a sheet of paper, look at the product at the store which you think suits the design. Colour it, if needed to and figure out a way to attached them.

Here I've posted some photos of ideas you can cheat/copy to make your kitchen looks like it cost you a bomb! heheheheh.

Idea 1:
Idea 2: To be updated. (Now to tired and sleepy)

Compact Living indeed.

Now who say small living space is tight and boring. Here's a link you should watch. I can't post this YouTube on me blog. No idea why. But click the link.

I'm blown away. This architect guy is AWESOME! Thumbs up! But - wait! Reality check.

A Tiny Apartment Transform.Link
When you got money, you get to do anything which is the most impossible thing a person with no money can do.

Ok, back to fantasy.... Super cool! This is so super cool! Get your "inspired cap" on and dig this. And oh, it's said to be a "Green Home" living. Hmm... How green can it be..? You be the judge.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Where did I get them?

(Oh, this post is an additional add on on my last week post on Mascarpone Cheese.)

I don't know about you, but somehow or another, it's so hard to find Mascarpone Cheese here in Hong Kong. Well, maybe it's just me. I'm just ignorant on where to look for them. But, since I stay way, way, way far from the blue line MTR station, to get my hands on them cheese, is pretty hard, you know.

But thanks to my curiosity, penyibuk (a person who likes to snoop around - yeah, basically me.) and always on the look out for new things, (always asking my Suami, "Ubby, what's that? or "Can we go there?" or "Look! What's that? Can we check it out for a while?", I managed to finally, FINALLY stumbled upon the most wanted Mascarpone Cheese. *insert intense music here & shine a light at the cheese*

Ok, ok. I've been babbling all the time. You must be bloody bored to read on. If this was in a DVD, you would likely just fast forward. Fine. It's at TASTE, East Point City Mall in Hang Hau. Use the Blue line (if you are from Island line) and head to Northpoint station. Then changed line to Purple (I think it's more lavender-ish) line that is heading to Po Lum or LOHAS park, which is basically Tseung Kwan O Line. Stop at Hang Hau station and exit at A1 to enter East Point City Mall. I think you will be able to see TASTE when you are at the atrium area. It's above Mark & Spencer, I think. No worries, you won't miss it as the mall has 2 floors only.

And not only you will find the Mascarpone, you will be flipped and going all "Yahoooooo!" when yo see other branded international products that they bring in. Havarti cheese which you can't find it at the local ParkNShop or Jusco. And other Italian/US products. Even at M&S, I couldn't find any cheese.

Anyways, here's a link to where to can find your nearest TASTE supermarket. I'm doing some research on where to look for other international supermarket. I need to look for Tumeric leaves. Anyone knows where to get them besides back in Malaysia...?

TASTE Supermarket

Enjoy your shopping. Oh, if you need ladyfinger biscuits, you'll be spoiled with choices too. Weeee!

MHOR Bread

I was watching TLC's Rachel Allen: BAKE. And there was a segment that Rachel Allen went to a artisan bakery shop called MHOR Bread. And I was fascinated and impressed by the bakery and how it reminded me so much of how Suami is passionate on just making and baking bread.

As usual, my curiosity lead me to go online and research, research and research. After all, I am going to be the boss of Baker's Soul. Heh heh heh. I found their websites. And I was so impressed and blown away as it's actually a family business and they are Scottish.Link Not only they have a bread shop, they even have a hotel, fish store, tea store and many more. Its an entire family MHOR business, I tell ya! What an inspiration to me. I dig & dig & dig. And found loads of links & article written about this entrepreneur business.

My, my, my... I wish one day, to be that adventurous!

I've attached the link to their main websites. Happy clicking this : MHOR

And I've got some articles to those who would like to read about these great family business. It's like so cool to have a brand or name that you can have it in different types of business. A hotel, I tell ya! Hotel! A tea shop? Like come on! A tea shop! You not only get supplies from your own farm or bakery shop, you get it FRESH & the exact style and taste/texture/size you want without having to argue about the quality of it with the suppliers! Damn...! :P

Ok, ok. Here are some of the articles. Thanks to the link provided.

The Bakery Info

Stirling Gov : Business

Surprise Yourself: Visit Scotland

Orange Pup Tent + cheese sandwiches

Enjoy your day, readers. I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog lately. Been busy with "trying" to finish up my wedding album which I have postponed doing it ever since I was solemnized back in Dec 2010. Heh heh heh. I am such a lazy girl. Life. Living without any work stress to think off except how to make my relationship happy.

I'm blessed. *grin*