Wednesday 30 March 2011

Hari "Healthty" Kami.

Iya, memang benar. Hari ini hari healthy kami. Suami ku pulang dari kerja awal. Kami breakfast Milo cicah biskut dari M&S. Biskut itu adalah, Digestive Biscuits. Sedap dan healthy. Selain Milo & biskut, disebabkan Suami semalam sakit perut memanjang, therefore lapar, makan nasi goreng left over untuk breakfast. Harap-harap takdelah sakit perut. We needed the food cause we went to the gym after that. Did some fat burning session 30 mins on the treadmill uphill. Burned 151 calories for 2.31 km. Speed varies from 5.0-6.0, with inclines from 3.0-5.5. Then I did the bike machine for 10 mins, speed varies from 7.0-9.8, and burned 70 calories for 4.07km. Not much, but I dont want to push it cause dah lama tak work out. So slow and steady. Then finished up with my weights dumbbells for my biceps, ass shape machine and some planks to top it up. Man, I feel sooooo fresh!

I fell in love again with food. This was actually an accidentally I fell in love moment. Suami & I were walking around Causeway Bay last weekend. And we walked pass this yellow colour shop with stars on them. It simply says, CRUMBS. And I wonder what it was. Looked up their menu and banner and saw they sell Scones. So I want to try them as making scones have different styles and ways. And we bought 3 of them, 2 original raisin scones, & 1 chocolate scones. And paid HK$19. Oh well. Its Hong Kong. And when I had my first bite, I not only fell MORE in love with it, but I am obsessed with it. Its delicious. Soft, buttery, and very very fattening. Its not like those old school, english scones, but its like eating vanilla soft crumbling cookies. Serious. Its not called a scone, for Suami's & my opinion, but it taste goodylicious! It breaks up easily but sedap! I bought some more and ate it for breakfast, added some more butter and a bit of jam. Heaven. Now I'm craving for one. Dammit!

I love making breakfast. Because it helps us feel good to eat just the right amount of food for lunch. It also helps burn fat easily. I miss being a freak to take care of my body, but I try not to fail to wake up, drink warm water with lemon to waken up my body from the long hours of sleep. Then, to breath in deeply for 3 -5 times so that my body workers are fueled up with good air and good start. Then, breakfast to let them burn up the fuel to start my organs. That why after makan, sure gi toilet. heh heh heh.

To maintain being healthy sucks big balls. But I try. I try to eat properly, drink enough water, exercise, cook halal and clean food. And of course, healthy is not just body, but also soul. Be healthy to our religion too. Insy'allah.

I'm so happy today. Well yesterday. Good start for Suami. Keep it up. Insy'allah, Allah will help you. I love you, Semak.

Sunday 27 March 2011

To his Tummy, with Love.

Suami brought home some Ciabatta breads yesterday (which he made it of course!). It was delicious! I love the sour smell and the texture is just soft and smooth. It tasted excellent! Even eating it by itself. It had not much of taste except sour. But its divine. I had them with salted butter to to give a kick to it. Anyways, yesterday night I made burger for Suami to bring to work for his late dinner aka supper. I didn't have enough ingredients to make the burger like how you would get them at a burger shop. I made 2 beef patties which the patty is a mixture of mashed potatoes, big white juicy onions, some fried shallots, chopped coriander, beef (of course) salt and pepper.

I had the paste done before as I was making my "Beef Begedel" for one of our home lunch. So I modified it to make it into a burger patty. I then dip it in eggs and coated it with bread crumbs for crunch. And Voila! I made a burger patty! Since my fridge didn't have any vegetables as Suami & I haven't gone for our next grocery shopping yet, I only managed to to make eggs. I made eggs omelet and I wrapped the burger patty with it. And one patty I left it on its own.

I had some cheese left. So I lay on it. And sandwiched both patty with Suami's delicious Ciabatta. I didn't tell him whats for his dinner cause I wrapped it with tin foil. All I said was, don't forget to toast the buns in the wrapping foil. He asked what did I make for him & I said, "Just toast 'em.."

And I had a smile when he sms-ed me that night when he was about to eat his dinner aka supper. "B, you made me burger eh.. ;)" That just made me happy. I can feel his smile all the way here. And I know, it made my Suami's tummy really happy too. :)


Wednesday 23 March 2011

Today's Lunch

Today's lunch was a bit different. Suami's housemate is off for 2 days, so when Suami came home from work tadi around 10am, we had breakfast (toasted baguette, scramble eggs, butter & jam). While sitting at the our dining table, watching Suami's housemate play PS3, Suami's voice came out, and said, "Nak lunch kat Sai Kung..?" I looked out at the balcony, saw the weather and thought it was going to rain. Very gloomy ok. But since we had to postponed Suami's housemates plan last week, I thought, "Jom ah. Lets do it." & Its seafood anyways. How bad could it be to my calories. heh heh heh. I mean we had breakfast. I pooed in the morning. Which was a good sign. hehehehehe.

So we went out from our place at 1:00 pm. Took the cab. Paid HK$90 for one way. Walked about, cause it was housemates first time there. And head to the place that Suami & I usually makan. The place where we saw a photo of Jackie Chan standing on the aquarium full of fishes to be sold and eaten fresh. And of course, the only place where their menu was written in English. :P

So Im just gonna post them photos of what we had. Thanks to our Chef aka Housemate for interpreting what we wanted. & Coca Cola is called "ho lohk". Fuhney eh. Coke got a Chinese name for it. Maybe Malaysia can call it "Co-ke". heh heh heh.

Friday 4 March 2011

My cooking needs Mood.

Yes, my cooking usually takes time and mood to, well - cook. If I ain't got the groove to cook, then, there ain't, no way hose, am I cooking. Most of the time, I cooked was when, I wake up in the morning and dreamt to eat something good ie: food you get when you're at the mamak stall or kedai/gerai melayu. But since I cant do roti canai - yet to be another challenge of mine, or do kuey teow basah - YET another CHALLENGE of mine, I cook what I can. Evidence below.

When I open the fridge, I see my ingredients (hello yous). Chicken, eggs, vegetables etc. Chup, before I continue, I want to inform with you readers, that I still don't understand, DON'T understand, why in Hong Kong, there is no Kangkong, Sawi, Cauliflower, Assam Jawa, Daun Pandan, Serai (wait I found Serai @ Wellcome), Cili Kering, and Ikan Bilis is like the size of an ikan! Sangat peliks as aint Hong Kong asian country. I think in Thailand they have more things! Gosh, really, nothing like Malaysia. And one last bit, no CHILI SAUCE! boohoo. sob sob. So those travelling to HK, please bawak your Chili Sauces in packet or in bottles. I kumpul all the packets I get when I was in KL. And Mc D's here, don't have Chili Sauce. Only certain places do. But its not chili chili sauce, but Thai Sauce. I cant tell you a whole loads of what's diff from HK and MY, but it will be a totally different blog to start off. Which I will.

*REMINDER : Blog about Differences between HK & MY.

Above photo is when I did my Chicken Rice. And the ayam was delicious! I have no idea what I marinated with, but Suami said it tasted like barbecue chicken. And though the chicken rice's rice was like urmmm, burned at the bottom ( I admit I ain't 100% good in cooking) but the taste was nyummers. And Suami always ate his 2nd plate. :)

I got more photos to be uploaded. But you can view them in my FB page. I love cooking. And I love making them. Its like art. Yes, you need to have the ingredients, measurements and all, but I like to spice things up and tose some few things which is NOT in the recipe. hehehehe. SO far, if you want me to cook, I will need a head start like an hour-two. And lunch or dinner will be served. Cause when I'm in the kitchen, I don't like seeing the mess, so every time after I chopped or cut something, I will clean the counter top, knifes and board. After I fried something, I will clean the stove, frying pan, the wall where all the oil got splattered and etc. While I'm cooking too, I clean the kitchen floor cause I cant stand seeing the garlic skin or oil or anything on it. Its like, no way! I think I spend the most time cleaning the kitchen and the toilet then our bedroom and living room. hehehehehe.

And I cant stand seeing my Suami cook. I mean, his a good cook and excellent Suami, but when it comes to cooking and cleaning-ness. Na'ah. I will re-clean it back. Call me psycho-path, but that's just the way I was brought up. - Mom. Im the totally photocopy of her. Look what you made me, Ma! I cant stand the un-tidiness, the un-cleanliness, dust or hair or the ring stained after you left your coffee cup on the table. Gosh. I cant stand any of it. I go crazy not cleaning it! Notice how I changed the topic from food, cooking to cleaning. My oh my, I am psycho. No wonder Suami always just stare at me and say, "I'm married to you, too late to change & cant do anything anymore bout this." hehehehe.. Update photos soon!