Thursday 27 January 2011

What's left hanging...? Part II

Four. Suami called the night before. And asked, "Do you want to have lunch out tomorrow..?" And of course I said, "Yes, please." Since my fever dah slow down and feeling much better, of course I want to go OUT! hehehe. So next day, as usual, woke up and took my shower and get ready for lunch. Wore a dress with black stockings, blow dried me hair, put on a bit of make up and went to Central. I felt 15 all over again. Yeay, lunch date with Suami. But it felt like lunch date with "boyfriend" *nudge* uha uhaa.. boyfriend.. heeeee~

Everytime Suami sees me, he always stares at me. For what reason, I don't know. He stares and look at me up and down, like his pissed or annoyed. Heh. Weirdo. Anyways, so Suami said we need to go to Wing Fung St. So took MTR again and when to Admiralty station. Love love love the place. Very chic and urban. Urban chic. Cool stuff, shops, cafes and etc. But didn't have the chance to explore much. Cause Suami made reservation at 12:30pm. Ooooo~ Reservations sound so, important. So, special. Sounds like an occasion kan.

There he brought me Cepage Restaurant. To where his ex-colleague's work. In a fine dining restaurant. And I thought it was going to be a simple restaurant. But it was fine dining again. I wasn't even dressed or makeup for it. Really didn't expect this. We entered and this guy came to us and quickly mentioned Iqwan's name - "Mr. Iqwan...? Good afternoon. Welcome. " And he brought us upstairs where our tables are. We got to use the elevator. Designed very chic and modern. Loved the sleek usage of materials. Veneer and tinted-black mirror. High ceiling. Ambiance was magnific. Host brought us to our table, and was I shocked to see the roasted oink-oink besor2 kat atas table display in the middle of the room. So, Iqwan asked to sit near the window which is closed to the entrance for the elevator. "Do you mind the corridor and elevator, sir..?" "No, we don't. Asalkan makan tak pandang bende alah tu.." Smile to host. "Do you mind if you could call for me, Ms. Cheryl, please. And tell her, we are here.." Ooooo, Suami, very fancy. I loike.

Then came another host, and he was like, "Mr. Iqwan. Welcome back. How are you..?" My, my, my. Suami seems to be a regular here. My, my, my. Honey, you said, you got no time to lepak. Kantoi. kih kih kih. So pastry chef, Cheryl came out and greet us. She recommended some of the eat-able food for us. We could only eat - Fish. Wow, you didn't know that was coming right. Riiiiiiiiighttttt ~ heh heh heh. So I ordered Artichoke Soup & Black Cod Fish. And Suami had the Scallops Salad & Salmon Fish. It was delicious. Tender, moist and soft. Sangat sedap. And to top up my wonderful lunch, was the ever sooooo orgasmic and - I cant find the right word for this - luxurious orgasmic savory taste I ever tasted. It tasted so beautiful. Chef made me a Clementine orange (edible skin) with sorbet, panacota on caramalised based and chef drizzled some sauce to it. Very tangerine, sweet, pekat texture to it. Delicieux! And Suami had the Chocolate Souffle with Caramel Ice Cream.

The best presentation was when I saw the waiter brought Suami's dessert. It had a chinese soup spoon with this coffee coloured egg like shape on it. I was wondering what it is, and it was ice cream for the Souffle. Then the waiter asked, "May I..?" and was pointing to Suami's dessert. And Suami was like, "Yes," and the waiter tooked a spoon and made a hole in the middle of the souffle. And took the soup spoon and transferred the coffee colour ice cream. hehehe. fancy smancy. i loike. so i click "LIKE". *grin*

The chef even made us some free tit-bits to end our lunch. Though we are full, (we da bao), but I had to taste some of it. Had the macaroons, chocolate truffle and this kuih bahulu look a-like cake. And that wasn't it, the waiter brought for us the cheese cart, and me love cheese, tried some of the recommendation. I wanted Harvati cheese. But they didnt have any. Maybe I wasn't that pro on cheese and nampak sangat bodoh and tak minum wine, but who cares. I want to try since its there. Liked only 1 out of 3. The least taste and smell. hehehe.

And I asked Suami. Whats the occasion for this lovely lunch date. And he said, we are married for a month already. Just thought we could celebrate it. Thank you, love. It was lovely. Never ever thought I would experience it again (after my stay in MOKul). And I liked it. I may sound silly and poyo, but, just having to experience this kinda thing, macam best. Being pampered, excellent service, attention given. heeee ~ syiok.

But I never forget who is behind of all this things going on. Alhamdullilah. Allah is so great. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You gave us this. And I thank you. Masya'Allah.

Enjoy the photos! Oh, this is a "must-go-but-occasionally-lah" place to be. Perfect for lovers, and to be poyo once in a while. If anyone decide to go, please mentioned Iqwan (CDP baker from Landmark Mandarin Oriental) recommended this place and mentioned Ms. Cheryl as she is the Pastry Chef there. Her desserts are thumbs ups! Like the movie from Julie & Julia, i re-quote "Bon Apetite!"

Tuesday 25 January 2011

What's left hanging..?

My balls. KAH KAH KAH KAH KAH KAH! haaaaaa...~

I got a fever last 2 days. I think. So wasn't really in a mood to blog or even tweet or FB. Hahah. Almost wanted to type FB-I. Haaaaa ~ Anyways, only today, correction, tonight, I started back blogging. Lets see. What should I blog? K, Lets just randomly blog on what ever I can.

One, Iqwan bought turtles and had them for about 2-3 months. Apparently, 2 died. 1 died and his housemate, Mr. Paddy disposed it (where or how I don't want to know) and left 2 of them. Which, another 1 died too. And I had to witness its death. Well, it didn't die dramatically, but it just stopped moving. And Iqwan said, "B, its dead." And I felt responsible for it cause I was the one who cleaned their home (which I doubt, my Suami will do it anytime soon) and I wasn't really must of a turtle person, more of a "CAT" - like duh, and probably I put to much water in the tank and out of cold weather and water, he/she just - died. yup.

So now, Left 1 more. And I plan to take care of it no MATTER what it takes. And when I say take care, I mean, I make sure the water is warm, I keep the lil' fella in our room now since theres a heater, and I talk to him/her, hold it, cuddle it and give loads and loads of love. Suddenly I'm so attached to the lil' fella. They are pretty cute and boring. Now he is just sitting in his container home and doing basically nothing. I hope his warm enough. Ok, people, help. How the effing way to take care of a turtle. I don't want this fella to die. Its cruel and I think I'm a murderer. RIP.

End of story.

Second. I got sick that day, and Suami bought me food. I haven't got the chance to show you the food photo from Ebeenezeer's restaurant. Well, here it is. Chicken Tikka with Salad. It looks a bit yucky here. But it taste excellent. I can eat this all the time. Till I'm bored of course.

I love how the drizzle the top of any food dish with mint sauce and some other mayo stuff. I have no idea what but, its finger licking good. hehehe. To those who want something filling and full, check out Ebernezeer. And for dessert (yes, yes, I know i was sick, but who actually cares. Its dessert time) I had Movenpick Strawberry Ice Cream. Need I say more why I didn't not eat it. Its Movenpick. Hello!! Delicious. Yumms.

End of story.

Three. Rearrange our compact living bedroom. hehehe. And now, its way bigger, more space and ample place to Solat. Well, for 1 person, but still, We are able to sit on the floor, do a lil' bit of work out exercises and lipat/gosok baju. The room looks like a mess in the photo, but because I was in the midst of cleaning and folding and organizing the "compact living" bedroom, I just want to proof that being creative in a small space helps giving a good chi in your mood. Cheers to that to those who agree. *click*

End of story.

K, am tired of blogging. Will update tomorrow. The next blog will be about my lovely lunch with Suami. Enjoy.

Friday 21 January 2011

Today we...

Jalan jalan ke Causeway Bay. Suami called at around 10am and ask me to meet up with him at 11am at Central. I was so excited cause its dating time. Teringat time dulu, when he used to call me and ask to meet up with him at KLCC. tehehehehe! I showered and all and time nak pakai baju, tiba2 semua tak betul. I was suddenly emotional and mad. Cause I got no baju to wear. I was more pissed at myself cause i just realised, I only got 1 pants wic Suami bought for me from Zara last year. Yg lain semua seluar 3quarter! And its effing sejuk now! Anyways, I end up pakai baju yg tak "fashionister" (ala Phua Chu Kang) langsung, sbb period mood mmg swing, so i just put on my Zara pants, warmers and tee. It says, " BLAH!" Not the tee. But my dressing. (_ _')

And I lambat jumpa Suami. On the way nak tukar train, he called and said, meet up at Causeway Bay instead. We met up and Suami nak bawak Isteri makan kat tempat host Farah 'Rasa Halal Orient' was shooting for Halal food. Place we makan was called Aladdin Mess. Nama Aladdin 'Mess'. Funney. Their chicken tikka sedap! but service lambat. Garlic Naan tak power langsung. I miss Malaysia's naan. Boohooo!

Overall, it was OK. Its not like we cant eat any chicken or meat. Its just that, we cant eat as how we can in KL. Over here, if you asked for Muslim food, its either, Indian, Lebanese or Chinese. Itupun sikit. Not a lot. Oh well. Enjoy.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Today's Lunch...

was cooked by Suami's housemate, Mr. paddy. His a sous chef in Landmark MO. His Malaysian. Ain't it cool that I get to ask tips from him on cooking, plus see him cook in front of my eyes. Today's menu is Deep Fried Fish in Kicap Manis, Eggs with Mushroom and Long Beans, Sambal Shrimp and Vege Soup.

Loved the fried fish. Now I can cook fried fish masak kicap manis. *lick lick my fingers* yummeh. And for desserts, I had Marks and Spencer's Viennese Sandwich c/w Chocolate Filling. Im getting those again. But as usual, HK is mahal. Oh well.

Not going out today still. Though my mind is saying, "Run, Zira, run!" But my stomach is not giving me any chances yet. Hopefully tomorrow. I can eat, but I have this itchy feeling inside of me, asking me to workout. Mmg sah tak leh duduk diam. Tak selesa lah tak exercise. U all feel me..?


I love being spoiled by my suami. his on the way home from work. n his buying me Mrs. Field soft cookies!! yummeh!! Need to change my lampin wanita. wouldn't want to stained my bed again. Ain't cool. Remember. It ain't cool. :P

Mrs. FIELDS cookies!!!

I took photos when he came home just now. Mrs. Fields, we meet again.. nyom nyom nyom..!

aint cool.

Zira, it ain't cool to leave a mark on the bed. 1st timer monthly cycle and you stained your own bed. the hell! reminder, white bed sheet may have this pure, angelic and makes the room bigger, but its effing not safe for a women. Grrr.. Stupidas.

Anywhore, I stay with my Suami who stays with a housemate (his chinese, Malaysia and a Sous Chef - ain't that tops up everything). And since Im temporarily staying here, Suami said, "we duduk here till my contract renew ok and we get our own place once they increase my allowances". Latest news, there's another guy coming in end of this month. Sgtlah 2 guys (add 1), a girl and a pizza place - minus the Pizza Place. heh. Now story is, my suami uses the tilam tat was given by the HR. Suami got 1 tilam, but soft and nipis, so he uses the extra tilam (from next room. and now we have to place it back for the new guy to sleep on. When he told me last night, we laughed our heads off, cause its so funny how my life changed totally. And still, it didn't piss me off. Instead, it made me happier. Cause life ain't easy - no, married life ain't easy, and we are going through it now.

Room. Speaking of room. Our room is about 45sq ft. a size of a door height if u put it on the floor. Imagine 4 doors lay on the floor to make a square. hehehehehe. Pretty much a store room if its back in KL. hehehe. but I loved it. Cause it makes me feel like Im a student living overseas, except I ain't studying. hehehehehe! We sleep in a single bed, I bought loads of pillows, but Suami complaints, says it to much. He uses only 1 and i use all 3. We bought a rug from KL, and curtains too. Now the flat looks more homey and our room feels much - urmmm.. - sleep-able? Funneh thang is, we brought our luggage, now there's no SPACE for it in our room. HAHAHAHAHA!!

Ill update more. Till then, lazy mode on. :)

Today is..

Cold. Well, cold enough to freeze my arse off. Its still 11:50pm, so I want to make a shout out.

Happy 1 month marriage, babydoll. Its been a month. And like I state on my Twitter, I still feel like im on my dating stage.

Its been 2 days since I stayed in HK. after the wedding reception, 9th & 15th Jan, I came back to HK packed with more things. hehehe. Ive been staying at home, not feeling good, as i am having my monthly cycle. so am not in the mood to explore. didn't cook the last 2 days. need to get some groceries if i plan to cook. Instead, suami bought me lunch today. I love the halal food from Ebenezeer. The rice is delicious. Its not cheap compare to KL. But, its delicious and filling. He ate the briyani while i had my fav meal, roast chicken with rice and salad. just loveeee the dressing that's been drizzled on top of the rice. yummeh. heheheheh.

we arrived HK on 16th Jan. around 10:30pm we reached the airport. But came home with our big luggage around 11:40pm. We slept right after getting our bags in our small room. mind ya, our body was really tired after the reception. mmg no time for 'my own time'. we planned to go for a short v-cay after my reception, but time didn't allow us, as we need to prepare my suami's reception. and plus, to concentrate on spending time with family.

well i got to stop now, since suami sms me already telling me to go to bed and sleep. hehehe.

ps: its so funney, that I actually missed the sound of nyamuk. GAH GAH GAH!