Tuesday 2 August 2016

Adding a Number.

Adding a number to my age. Gosh! Again, I've gone missing. For a long effing years. I kept telling myself, blog up, women, blog up. But either I'm effing lazy that i refuse to blog or i just got things to do. Hastag alasan.

This is updates. The only time I blog, it's always updates, updates & updates. And when I ope my blog space on my lappy, I end up straying away, engrossed in my phone returning messages in Whatsapp, or checking my Insta, or scrolling on music to play on my Beats. Looking at the time, it's prayer time or I have to cook dinner cause Habibi's coming home from work. 

So I told myself, "Women, you got to get this done. You have to start back what you used to do. Stop postponing & giving shit loads of alasan." *Knuckles cracked* Let's do this.

I am Azira. A mother of 1 to lil' birdie Aana Aisha. No. It's not An-na. It's Aa-na. And no, there is no 'h' at the end of Aisha, or 'y' in between Aisha. We like it that way & we want our daughter's future boyfriends or husband (singular) to make a mistake with her name spelling so that he will forever remember that our daughter is special. Hence name spell check. 

I started blogging (THIS BLOG) since 2011. After I got married and started to live a nomadic wife life following my husband and his bread passion. I blogged a lot when we stayed in Hong Kong. Maybe because I didn't have much things to do back then, plus newly married and so in love. Waiting at home like a love struck puppy and sleep a lot. HAHAHAHAHA!

But I picked up cooking. I love cooking. But never able to do much in my younger days because me mom don't like us messing her kitchen. Besides cooking, I'm a freak for cleaning. I clean and re-arrange furniture a lot of time till it satisfy me. So much of not doing nothing, I end up (yes, the blogging) making business by selling H&M clothes online. Malaysia back then didn't have H&M. So i did get some buyers. 

And then a year has gone by. So long Hong Kong. Habibi got a new job offer. And from there, we flew 6389 km to Bahrain. Yes, I Googled the distance. 

Bahrain, ah.. Land of Halal & brothers/sisters of my own religion walk about in peace. Not all. Yes, it's Halal. I don't mind to live there when I'm old and maybe retired. Cause it's like living in Malaysia. Except you see Arabs instead. No. You see loads of Filipinos. & Indian Kerala. Where's the Arabs you ask? Maybe in Malaysia. Or London. Somewhere. 

Peace? Yes, it is a nice place to live. Because of their beaches, sea & cool winter & hot summer. But the men, as I remembered, is so gatal! I do get lustful looks and stare from them (Indians most of it) at their market or Souk. Why? I have no freaking idea. Even I'm all covered (sometimes I wear the purdah) and wore all black albaya, still they stare with horny-ness. Must've be the 'kambing' they eat everyday. Ish. So gatal. Urgh. Gatal!

If you're unlucky, you get days when the Shia's buat hal. By burning tires or start a fire in a oil drum tank or home made bombs thrown in the middle of the highway. And boo, traffic. Cars drive by like "Ohh, that's nothing. Another Shia buat hal day.. Move along.." Sigh. Islam pun bergaduh antara puak-puak. Macam manalah dunia nak aman. Hanya boleh geleng kepala je. 

In Bahrain, I taught kids dancing. I taught traditional dancing. Though I suck and have no experience or any idea about traditional Malay dancing. But, thank you YouTube! Them kids perform for the embassy. We enter some competition, perform for the King and others. I enjoyed it very much. But sucks cause I didn't have a car back then & I had to wait for people to tumpang and hantar balik. Or paid a driver to do so. I even taught the mothers some Line Dancing. And made my bucks from that. And the best thing is, since I love cooking, baking and making food, I self taught myself to make my grandma's kaya (coconut jam) & made a business by selling it. Ah... I miss doing that. 

And the most awesome memory living in Bahrain was, we adopted Nincompoop Al Juffair. My beloved cat. Now living happily and free from kene marah from me with my parents in Malaysia. I'm glad you like living there, Poop. I hope you Doakan your human father & me to Jannah akhirat nanti. 

After a year in Bahrain, did our Umrah (Alhamdulillah, thank you Ya Allah), Habibi got another job offer. And back to packing. 6821 km away, we end up in Shanghai, China. And that's when I stopped blogging. I did some Vlog. But didn't pursue it further. Takde confident kot. Maybe. We left Nincompoop in Malaysia. Poor cat had to fly by himself in a cargo flight 18 hours. Sob sob. And we were in Mekah doing our Umrah. The horror and uneasy feeling I was going through. 

Shanghai, China. I couldnt believe my own self that we end up in China. Because I remembered telling Habibi, when we took the train trip to Shenzhen & Guangzhou while we were living in Hong Kong, that he SHALL NOT work in China, cause it's filthy dirty & their people are just so low minded.


Hey, Shanghai! Fast-forward, 3 years & half later, we survived in China. And I've got to say (honestly) we missed Shanghai. Maybe because we have adapted to their lifestyle & is way safer than Bahrain. People stare at you because I wear the hijab but other than that, you just do your own effing thing. Do whatever and no one cares. Because it's China. And maybe most, we missed our friends we made there. I think this is the tightest I have ever made living away from my own homeland. 

Shout out! You guys know who you are..

There. A long snippets of what's left from my last blog. Updated September 18 2015! LOL!!! Shiaaat. 

Yesterday, dated 01.08.2016, I turned 33. And I am in a new location. Continuing our nomadic life. So blessed cause kami dikurniakan dengan seorang anak perempuan. A baby girl that suits our nomadic life. Constantly moving. She's easy to take care. Clingy sloth. But a hardcore baby flying jet-setter. 

To many more number added to my age. 

Here's to Auckland, New Zealand. Here's to the new location. And here's to a better life. Maybe we stay here longer? Who knows. InsyaAllah. We never know what Allah's plan. But we have to always be grateful with what He give and what He takes back.

Happy birthday to me. May Auckland, New Zealand gives us enough sustenance, love & happiness.

And I hope to make friends. Again. I keep kumpul-ing friends all over, huh. Guess, I'm lucky just like that. Amin.

Signing off,
The Mrs. - Me.

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