Wednesday 13 July 2011


If anybody is interested in coming to Hong Kong for a holiday and is a Muslim and wonders where to go and look for Muslim Halal food, please drop us an email as we are both gladly to help you out. And help you all to have the worry-free trip. Not only that, if you want us to help you get around, we would be happy to give you a hand...

Hey, you'd be surprised that Hong Kong do serves loads of Halal food.

email us at :


Ramadhan is coming..

Alhamdullillah.. Ramadhan is coming soon. I can't wait. As this will be my first time as a wife celebrating Ramadhan without my parents/family. Plus, I am living in HK. It will be a total different thing all together. Food will be different & so is the environment of celebrating this coming holy month.

Every one who lives in Malaysia, loves it when Ramadhan is near. All because of the food fiesta that is waiting to be attacked. We just love the Ramadhan Bazaar going on for 1 whole month. And the food fiesta starts from 4/5 pm - till the sun sets for 'buka puasa' (open fast). Just talking about it now makes my mouth watery. I can just imagine all the savory food, desserts, drinks, pastries, dishes and etc displaying on the whole stretch of the side road and calling out "Buy me..! Eat me...!". And I am not kidding you. Come travel to Malaysia on Ramadhan month and you will enjoy the pleasure of eating. *dreaming away...*

Anyways, like I said, I am in a different zone all together. But that doesn't mean I can't bring the Malaysia's Ramadhan mood to HK. I've decided to research and learn to make some of the delicacies, pastries and food here. I've got my recipes jotted down, ingredients bought and prepared. I am no cook or a baker like my husband. But, curiosity kills the cat and I am one of it.

Today I marked my history of making my first roti jala 'lacy like bread pancake'. It was a bit thick, but I got the hang of it on how to make it 'web lacy like'. I managed, struggled and destroyed the first batch, but later on it turned out OK. A bit thick then usual, but am so proud of myself. I even made the curry gravy for the roti jala. *happy mode*

I took some photos therefore enjoy them. In preparing my Ramadhan mood, I will continue learning to cook/bake/steamed and other terms that relates to food. :)

Salam ketibaan Ramadhan.. Ku telah menanti mu sekian lama..

PS: Reminder, you have got 1 more day to repay your fast.. :P

Sunday 3 July 2011


It's been raining the past few days. No. Weeks. And HK was not being friendly to us. It summer time. So, maybe a few rain drops wouldn't hurt. But thunderstorm. Typhoons. Come on! But today, our laid back (mostly do nothing - watch TV, scratch butt) activity was a bit different. Suami's housemates gf is leaving HK as her internship has come to an end. So they decided to go to the beach. That's what people in HK do. So for a change, and since the young couple (emphasize on young couple) planned on going, Suami's housemate was nice enough to invite us and we said yes.

They wanted to explore Tai Long Wan (Big Wave Bay) beach at first. But somehow, there wasn't any luck on us.

1. Taxi driver didn't know the place, but insist on trying to find it. And Suami & I felt pity on him, cause he was so eager to drive us, but was totally puzzled by where the f* it was. So we decided to just drop off at Sai Kung Town.

On Sundays and public holidays, bus 96R from Diamond Hill MTR station serves Wong Shek Pier - via Sai Kung. There's also a frequent daily bus service (94) from Sai Kung to Wong Shek Pier. And a 45 minutes hike.

For a shorter, less hiking option :- Get a cab from Sai Kung Town. Head to Sai Kung Sai Wan. Tell taxi driver about walking to Tai Long Wan beach. If can, get somebody to write it in Chinese.

2. We asked around, and there was a schedule for the shuttle bus. Apparently, we were 3 hours late. And time wasn't enough. And sky looks a bit dark. So, we didn't want to risk it.

3. Had a local person to explain to us and said something about we need permission to go to the beach. Like an admission letter as the place is a resorted area. (Wasn't sure about this, but am doing research while typing this.)

4. The local guy gave us wrong information. I did some research and there wasn't any restricted or rules saying we need permission.
Ok. Do not want to bore my readers. We end up heading to another beach, which was more familiarized by Suami's housemate. Hoi Ha Wan beach where it's sort of a coral haven place. Though mostly damaged. The sea ain't that clear and it was a bit muddy. Advice to rent some snorkeling gears plus flippers as it wasn't a flat sandy surface once jump into the sea. Had some 'ouch', 'oofs', 'urgh' moments. Well, my Suami, most of the times. As I was wearing my 'I Love my Crocs' multipurpose shoe on. Heh heh heh.

But, sadly, we thought that it will be a nice beach-y place to do a bit of snorkeling. See some fishes. Get bitten by one. But, nah. Mostly mud. Rocks. Sharp shells. Cuts. And icky moments when u step into something gooey and can't see a shit as water was misty like. Like going into a river with unwanted sea creature. Hmmm... Suddenly the show from Discovery Channel's River Monster came to mind.. Yikes!

Malaysia. Truly Asia. I miss Perhentian. Or, Krabi. Nothing beats snorkeling in Krabi. Just jump into the middle of the ocean and snorkel, snorkel stork. I'm not giving a bad vibe about Hai Ho. It's what my opinion says. But, I never complained about being at the beach. Spending my weekend, after snorkeling, sitting at the sand. Taking LOADS of photos. Exploring the nature. More photos. See the sun. Hear no noise. Feel the wind. Feel the sand on my feet. Smell the ocean. Hear the sound of soft ripples. And most important, get burned marks on my back. Who can't resist that.

I got more to talk about. But, it's 1:30am. And am dead sleepy. My Suami is snoozing to La La Land, and Isteri here is still busy typing about. Good night everyone. Good night HK. Good night world.

Will post the photos once edited - POSTED. And will blog more ridiculous write-thoughts-that-is-in-my-head post.

I still smell salty like the beach. *grin*

Saturday 2 July 2011

My mind is...

Messed up.

I haven't been blogging lately. Maybe because I was away for the last 12 days. Balik kampung. In direct English translation - Go home village. heh heh heh..

I'm sorry to my loyal readers. - If there is anyone reading this piece of crap.

Anyways, back to my topic. Speaking of "topic", remember those days back in school, where you should not write an essay that is out of topic. Hahahahahah! I think I got 1 or 2 feedback/results for my essay paper that was "out of topic". That's fuh-ney.

There I go again. Astray. I can never get my mind straight to what I'm about to write. Always an interruption. Shut up!

I'm in a messed mode these few days. Feeling sluggish. Sad. Down. Hopeless. Stupid. Name it. Anything demotivating. I'm IT. I haven't been working. I haven't been dancing. I haven't been exercising. I can't even spell "exercising" without using the right click - check spelling, button.

It's that whats been bothering me? I thought I could pull it off for a year. You know, take a break. But, I realized I get mad easily. Uneasy. You know, just itchy to be pissed off at small things that don't matter.

And now, I get so frustrated knowing people I know is being all successful and 'out there'. And here I am, having big dreams, but no shit on making it real. I don't know. It's not the time yet. I know. But shouldn't I be doing something by now?

Maybe I'm just plain lazy. That's the answer. Tell me. How do I get myself motivated back again? Help. I think, I've lost something in me. And I know, this will not do good to my self.
