Thursday 15 December 2016

How time flies.

I barely blog about our life in China. It was kinda hard to get hold of the "freedom" of using the internet. Had to get a VPN access to be able to serve YouTube or even Facebook. 

Now, we are in New Zealand, freedom it is. A new place, a new life. Hoping that this new nomadic adventure of ours stays longer. Here's to a better family life for AA. 

In 5 more days, our lil' birdie will be 1 years old. Have time pass that fast?! I can't bare to look at all the photos I took of her. Cause I surely will be in tears as I can't imagine I was and am able to go through this new life. Ya Allah. I did it. I managed to keep my baby alive for 1 year. HAHAHAHAHA! Okay, I sounded cruel. Joke aside. 

And I love this month so much because not only I get to celebrate my baby's yearly birthday, I get to also celebrate our yearly anniversary too! Super excited. This Sunday, to be exact. 6 years. Married. Has it been 6 years?! OMG. After typing down the number '6', I was blown away. Amazing. I married to the best partner ever. Thank you, Ya Allah. Oh, thank you.

So here's to both. Aana Aisha & my baker husband, Mohd. Iqwan Shah.

Auckland with a Baby

4th July 2016, we left to Auckland. Flight was around 9pm. So it was perfect. Got all our things needed just to get settled down here. Packed enough for AA's daily used. And the 10 hour plus flight was a blessed one because she was in a very, very, very good behavior. 1 or 2 crying (more to being mengada-ngada), but most of it, she was asleep. I did my bookings online & did our check in too. So I managed to pick the right seats with the bassinet wall in front of us.

I hate sitting in the middle 4 row area, and prefer the 2 seats next to the window because I am fully breastfeeding & I feel that it gives me more privacy then sitting at the 4 seat row. So if you plan to fly with a baby & BF on board, try to get the 2 seats next to window by buying the seats earlier or online check-in prior 48 hours before your flight (AND praying that no one book that seat yet) or go the the counter and request to change seat and be lucky.

I did my research about flying with a baby. Some goes over-board with over-packing things for lil' bub. Extra clothes, extra toys, extra this & that. But I choose to pack less.

Since our flight is at night, I only packed 2 extra baby clothes because AA will be sleeping most of the time, therefore she wont be puking or making a mess to her clothes that needs changing. She is, at that time, just started eating solid. So I decided not to feed her solid on the journey and just kept giving her my milk direct when she gets cranky.

Just bring what your lil' bub's favorite toy or toys. Because most of the time AA is sleeping & she won't be playing any of it. I wore a necklace for her to bite, brought her Sophie giraffe, and some rattles. And TIPS, keep all the toys in a Ziplock bag or if you're like me, I bought some plastic see-through bag from Daiso and kept all them toys in it, so that its easy for me to search when she's starting to make her noise engine. If your baby likes to play with the IPad, then that's good enough to keep them entertained. By the time we were almost arriving Auckland, AA woke up & end up 'kepoh' looking at people & playing with her papa. Perfect timing.

Okay. So if you know how your baby's bowel movement like me, than you don't need to pack the whole bag. I think I brought about 5 in my diaper bag & another extra 3 in my husband's carry on. But I think we only used like 2. Because before we board in the plane, I changed her then, the on plan fed her and she slept & when she woke up, changed her. And by the time we wanted to change her again,  it's touch down. So we changed her after we exit the plane. And also feed her.

I think that's about it. Flying with a baby is actually not that bad. Or, I can't say, because every baby is different. There were other babies on board and them parents did had trouble. Maybe due to air pocket or the babies can't stay still. But all and all, I'm very happy that AA was a good baby on air. Even when we flew for the first time to Shanghai after I gave birth, she was doing so well. Thank you, my Lil' birdie.

PS : always hydrate your baby. Or them to suck on a pacifier or breast. I think that helped AA fly and sleep well. She is the 'suck thumb' kinda baby.

Good luck to parents who was thinking of flying with a baby. Don't get all panicky (like I did). Cause at the end of the day, it may-be turning out OKAY.

PSS: We didn't have a stroller, so not sure on how the process is with it. Wearing my baby may also be a part of why AA behaved so well.

Again, good luck!