Saturday 24 August 2013

Aidilfitri 2013.

Alhamdulillah, we managed to come home for the holiday. Habibi & I went for our Aidilfitri holiday for 2 weeks. And we spent it well. We got a lot in our list of "Must-Do-List" but as usual & sadly, we couldn't achieve all of it, as most of the time was spent with family. We need a couples retreat holiday. But boo-hoo, Habibi used all his off annual leave. *sob sob* Hoping to get some "Surprise!-I-didnt-know-I-still-have-some-PH-left" leave. *crossing fingers*

See you in 2 weeks, Shanghai!

This year, we got home 2 days earlier therefore, we managed to go for a last minute, last day "Ramadan Bazaar". Gosh, I miss them bazaar in Malaysia. They sell the best & awesome food ever! We arrived pretty late as we got delayed for 2 hours, so instead of arriving 8pm, we arrived at 10pm. My cousins (who was kind enough to offer to pick us up) had to wait, which we hated that so much cause it's pretty far for them to drive all the way from their place. Nevertheless, I thank God for giving me awesome cousins who is cool with it, and THAT can't be replace at all! You guys rawks! 

As the sun is setting down. What a beautiful sight ever. Mashaa'Allah. 
First thing first. We had to get my car from my parent's house & mind you guys, non of our parents knew we were coming home. Had to ask my baby girl cousin to call my mom & lied to my mom, telling her my cousins are coming to pass some "thing" to her from my aunt. Pffft..! Yeah right. My mom was kinda suspicious, cause it was almost 12am! & I can hear my mom's voice from the mobile phone saying, "What "thing"? At this hour? Why did your mom ask to pass it tonight? Can't you do it tomorrow, instead?" And my girl cousin insisted that her mom wants to pass the "thing" by tonight. Hahahahahahaha! But my mom gave in and told my dad to unlock the front gate. Phew! 

Of course! Lemang is a must. It's glutinous rice with coconut milk cooked on a fire in a bamboo stalk.
When we arrived & when I saw my mom, I opened the car door & went, "Mommy!!! We're home! Supriseeee!" And her only reaction was, frustrated. Hahahahahahahaha! Her hands on her hips, and all I hear was "I knew it! Why are you two always want to planning to surprise us all the time! I knew there was something fishy about the phone call ealier!" My mom. Never knows how to just show her happiness. Hugged her so tightly & then I saw my dad who was a total opposite. Though he was looking all cool & composed, but I bet he was all joy & happiness to see his 1st baby girl. Ah, the sight to see my parents. And what makes me happier when I see my parents hugged my husband just like he was their own son. Priceless.

Took my car & bid them parents & beloved cousins goodnight & see you soon, we drove to my in laws. Total different story. LOL! We arrived & everyone was asleep. We got no credit to call my in-laws mobile, so my husband had to bag the locks on the gate loudly. Gosh, felt like we will wake up the whole neighbor up! And finally, our baby bro-inlaw woke up and with his blurred sleepy face, he peeked through the sliding door to see us standing outside, waving. Sleepy yet happy to see us, he fumbled to open the sliding door. We were greeted with "You said you guys are not coming home. You liar." Hahahahahahaha! 

Went up to see my in laws in their bedroom, so my husband knocked on their door, in-case they were sleeping, & all I heard was, "Ateq ke? Masuk lah.." My mom in law thought it was my baby bro-inlaw. Giggled. Then my baby bro-inlaw open the door & walked in, and said "Someones here to see you, mother & daddy." And we walked in. My parents in law are super chill & cool. Like my dad. My father-inlaw was kinda funny. He was like, "Who are you. I don't know you both. Who are you looking for cause both my son & daughter-inlaw don't live here. They are in China.." LOL! 

Last day of Ramadan fasting month, we spent it with my in laws & for this year, Aidilfitri first day celebration is with my family as the first Raya celebration as husband/wife was with my in laws back in 2011. Though we missed the 2nd year Raya as husband/wife last year (cause we were in Bahrain) so to be fair, we had this year at my parents. 

We managed to squeezed in our stay in Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur for 2 nights. Thinking we might get some "us" time since Habibi took 2 weeks off. But our own "us" time was, when we woke up for breakfast & sleep at night. Hahahahahahaaa.. *Sob sob sob* Habibi, lets go for a ship crusing. Nobody can disturb us.

We didnt get to see all our friends. Just some. Even that was because we managed to invite them to our parent's open house. Though our friends came, but we couldnt sit & chat that long cause we had to helped out our parents. 

Sounded like I'm complaining much, but please dont think it that way. It was still a good 'balik kampung" trip. And never will we replace what we had for this year Aidilfitri. Alhamdulillah. Enjoy the photos posted!
Us being cheeky. As usual. Happy to be home to celebrate my 30th Birthday. 
My parent's morning routine to bring Nincompoop for a walk is taken over by my husband. While we are home, that is.

My surprise cake from Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur. The Mandarin touch. :)

Our trip to Melaka with my in laws. With my brothers/nephew/nieces in law. 

This is Malaysia. Food galore!
Our trip "balik kampung" to Perak with my parents. Medan Ikan Bakar Hutang Melintang.
The activity. Cleaning up my dad's newly build grandma's home & of course, food attack!
Being a tourist in our own country is very much appreciated when one lives far away. Us at Menara Condong (Malaysian version of the Leaning Tower) Teluk Intan, Perak.

This old & slow service mamak shop makes the most nasty, yummy & damn good Murtabak & Mee Goreng Mamak. & they also have a very thick & "kaw-kaw" kopi-o (black coffee), too.

Us at Habibi's cousin's wedding. Feeling the wedding vibe. Makes me miss my own wedding day. Awww, we looked like we just got engaged. :P
My baby furboo, Nincompoop Al Juffair. Looking all calm & happy since we came home. But it was a sad parting when we had to bid him farewell again. Im sorry baby furboo. XOXO.
 I love this so much. few days before we fly off, we spent our cousin time with what we love most. Breakfast/brunch at a good place. We used to drink can drinks, but all is replace with coffee & teas. Time has moved very fast, and we are all aging. This time, we are so happy to bring my bro inlaws to join our cousin activity.
The sight of big ketupat/bahulu/songkok at the airport made me laugh. But when I looked back to see them waving at us, tears fell down. I hate this part. Goddbye Malaysia. Goodbye, family. :(